Page 61 of The Game Changer
“This is the best start.” Rachel’s smiling so wide, I’m surprised her face doesn’t hurt.
Maybe it does.
It’s totally worth it.
Watching this game with them, being in their cute apartment, makes me feel like I’m somehow part of this hockey family. Oh man, how I wish it was true.
I guess if I have the baby, I could be connected by association, but will I ever be one of them?
No. Not the same way they are.
Mikayla and Rachel belong to this group. They’re chosen, cherished. I’m loitering around because of a mistake Casey and I can’t just ignore.
I wonder if they know what we’ve been up to this week.
The way I’ve been texting Casey any chance I get—the urge to see and feel him so overpowering I can barely stand it. The way I’ve been using him to relieve my “pressure.”
Aw man, I hope not. What would they think of me if they knew that? If they knew everything?
I swallow, shuffling to the edge of the couch and focusing back on the game. Casey’s been bodychecked and is aggressively chasing after the puck he just lost. I can’t really see his face, but the way his arms are pumping tells me enough. He’s in it to win it tonight.
And that’s exactly what they do.
Our Cougars manage to shut out the Ramsburg Ravens with a staggering 6-0 win. At this stage of the competition, it’s unheard of.
The boys will be flying high tonight. They’ve maintained their place at the top of the leaderboard, which means they’ll be playing at home.
“Puck yeah!” Mikayla pumps the air, laughing when Rachel teases her that she’s not allowed to say that.
“I am when they’re not around to hassle me for it. So, fucking puck yeah! Frozen Faceoff, here they come!”
“They still have to win the next game.”
“They will, Ray! It’s home advantage, and they’re on fire right now. Nothing’s going to stop these guys from going all the way. Right, Caroline?”
“Right.” I grin, then laugh when Mikayla grabs my hands and starts dancing in circles.
She tips her head back and shouts, “All the way, baby!”
I join in with the shouting and the laughter, dancing around the tiny living room while the music blasts, playing this weird card game Mikayla made up, and then watching three episodes of The Office. It’s not until the girls are suiting up to meet the bus that I finally decide to head back to my dorm.
“You should come with,” Mikayla offers.
“Nah, it’s really late, and…” It’s not like anyone’s expecting me to be there. I bite my lips together and force a smile. “Have fun, you guys. And thanks again for inviting me over. Your place is awesome, and I loved watching the game with you.”
“Anytime.” Mikayla grins. “Hopefully we’ll bump into each other again soon.”
I nod, glad I said yes to the spontaneous invitation. She knows how much I love hockey.
Does she know how much I love Casey too?
Don’t love him, you idiot.
Just take this for what it is—hot sex and nothing more.