Page 64 of The Game Changer
“I love kissing your ass. You have a very fine ass.” I snicker when she frowns at me, then give her my best smile. “Come on, you’d miss the Casey lovin’ and you know it.”
Her lips quirk again, and this time I can see her fighting a grin.
I grin even wider, and she glances at it quickly before looking away with a tut. Then she snatches my wrist for a third time and studies her heart on my skin. After a moment that feels like an eternity, she finally pulls it to her lips, kissing the heart, then licking it with the tip of her tongue.
With a throaty growl, I grab the back of her neck and pull her toward me, sinking my tongue into her mouth and giving myself over to this Queen of Hearts.
I had no right to be mad with Casey over those tattoos. They all happened before we met, and so what if he wants to remember a few special women in his life? But I couldn’t help that surge of jealousy, that desperate sensation that ripped through me, when I realized I can’t claim him as mine.
Because he’s not mine.
He’s just my fuck buddy.
And the only reason he’s that is because I’m pregnant… which we haven’t spoken about all week. We’ve kind of been too busy having sex to talk about anything deep and important.
I text when I get horny, and he comes running.
We’ve done it all over the place, even sneaking in a quickie before his very important hockey game. It was his idea, which thrilled me beyond belief. I got his text just as I was lining up to walk into the arena and met him around the back. He lifted me against the outside wall and pounded me with an urgency that was electrifying. The fact that we could have been caught at any second made me hornier than ever, and holy hell was it hot.
The Cougars ended up winning the game. I sat, or more accurately stood, and screamed my lungs out. Watching them win and earn themselves a spot in the Frozen Faceoff Quarterfinals was a freaking triumph. Casey played like a Tasmanian devil. I was so freaking proud of him. It would have been so cool to call him mine in that moment.
But we’re not a couple.
Not officially.
We’re secret lovers, and I’ll take it.
Although, watching Mikayla jump into Ethan’s arms and Rachel curl herself into Liam’s embrace after the game singed me with that jealous burn again. I wanted to do that too. I wanted to freaking leap against Casey, wrap my legs around him, and give him a kiss to remember.
We sufficed by doing it in the bathroom at Offside. It was still great and exciting and everything. Sucking him off in a stall while he tried to muffle his groans, then riding him until he exploded inside me was epic in its own way.
But then we had to leave separately, and while Liam and Rachel swayed on the dance floor together, I stood at the table with the Hockey House boys watching puck bunnies fall all over them.
Casey got his fair share of attention, and I was almost surprised that he didn’t wander off with one of the girls.
What does that say about us?
About me?
That maybe I’m not so special after all. Sure, my tattoo has color, and maybe I swooned just a little when he pointed that out. He marked his skin for me. He made it different to all the others. That is a compliment, but… I’m not the only one on his arm, and if I’m realistic, I won’t be the last. He’s just doing me this big favor while I get through the horny phase of my pregnancy. But after that?
I swallow, not wanting to think about it.
“You good?” Leilani licks her ice cream cone as we wander down Main Street. It’s a sunny Sunday afternoon, and what better way to spend it than eating delicious treats with my best friend? “You haven’t said anything in like five minutes.”
“Yeah, I’m good,” I murmur, forcing a smile before licking the dripping ice cream off my fingers.
She gives me a skeptical frown, and I decide that I seriously need to get out of this slump and go for a reframe. I’m getting to have sex with the hottest guy at Nolan U. That is freaking epic. He’s gorgeous and funny, and I love the way he takes care of me physically. The man knows what he’s doing.
So, what the hell am I complaining about?
A genuine smile starts to stretch my lips wide. “I am good, seriously. Life is pretty peachy right now. I mean, sure… I have the thing lurking in the back of my mind, but for now I’m just enjoying the moment. And the sex.” I wink at her, expecting a playful grin in return.
Instead, I get a scowl that’s borderline bitchy.