Page 74 of The Game Changer
“How right you are.”
I laugh and grab his chin, pulling him close for another kiss.
We sink into it, our tongues gliding against each other. I love the moan reverberating in his throat just before he deepens the kiss. His hands start wandering, running the path of my curves, from my hips to my breasts, then back down to squeeze my ass.
I hook my leg over his thighs, and he scrambles to push the seat back before hauling me onto him. I can feel him growing hard beneath me, and I nestle my V-jay over his ridge and create a little friction.
“What you do to me, woman,” he groans against my lips before cupping the back of my head and sucking the tip of my tongue.
His hands glide up my back, rounding over my breasts and giving them a firm squeeze. It hurts a little—they’re really sensitive at the moment—but it’s not the kind of pain that would make me want to stop this.
Casey’s hands are?—
A sharp tapping on the window makes me jump with a gasp. I rip my mouth off Casey’s and spin to find a disgusted-looking Lani glaring at me.
“You know you’re in public, right?” Her black eyebrows arch, and I wipe my bottom lip. It’s swollen and glistening, still tingling the way the rest of my body is.
Casey pops open his door with a sigh, and I slide off his knee, hitting the hard asphalt with a bit of a jolt.
“You all right?” Casey catches my arm, steadying me against him as he climbs out of the car.
“Yeah.” I nod, then force a smile. “You remember Leilani.” I point to my best friend, who now has her arms crossed and is doing an impressive impersonation of a grumpy matron, the kind who works in a strict-ass boarding school and still uses the cane.
Seriously, why is she acting like this?
“Hi.” Casey waves at her, wisely staying on his side of the car.
“Hello.” She nods at him, and then an awkward silence settles between us.
My boyfriend shoots me a look, raising his eyebrows, and I let him off the hook with a quick goodbye kiss.
“See you later.”
“I’ll call you,” he whispers against my cheek.
And this time I know he will. I squeeze his arm in thanks and wander around the front of the hood, standing next to Lani while I wave goodbye to him.
As soon as his car has disappeared down the road, I turn to her with a frown. “Did you have to be so rude?”
“What?” Her eyebrows bunch together. “I said hi.”
“Yeah, like an ice queen.” I bulge my eyes at her. “I get that you don’t like him, but you don’t need to make it so freaking obvious! He’s my boyfriend.”
“Your what?”
“Yeah, that’s right. We’re a couple, okay? He introduced me as his girlfriend to all his friends today.”
“Wow.” Lani looks like she doesn’t quite believe me, and I can’t help but snap at her.
“Why are you being so bitchy about this? I thought you’d be happy for me! Aren’t best friends supposed to want that for each other!” My voice has risen to a decent shout, but my shoulders instantly deflate the second I see tears fill Lani’s eyes. “I’m sorry.” I rush out my apology, hating the look on her face right now.
She shakes her head and swipes at her eyes. “No, you don’t have to apologize. I probably deserve to be yelled at.”
“I hate yelling at you.” Surging forward, I pull her into a fierce hug. “I love you. You’re my best friend, and fighting with you sucks.”
“I know.” She kind of whines the words, gripping my shoulders as she hugs me back with the same ferocity. “I’m sorry. I’m not trying to be bitchy. I just don’t want you to get hurt.”
“He’s not gonna hurt me.” He just proved that in the car right now when he told me he wants to try this boyfriend thing with me. Happy bubbles pop in my chest as I pull back so Lani can see my face and know how much I believe what I’m saying. “He really likes me.”