Page 49 of Filthy Rich
My frown deepens.
“But she’s such a silly romantic. You know how these young girls are these days. They’re always ripe pickings for any handsome sweet talker who gives her the time of day.”
If these words came from anyone else in the universe, I’d think that the person knew exactly what the naïve but unspeakably sexy Ms. Scott and I have been doing to pass the overnight hours. The way I’ve awakened her and fed the hot little tiger inside her. The way I’ve smacked and bitten her ass and plan to teach her to suck my rock-hard dick as far into her sweet mouth as she can take it.
But with Mrs. Hooper? I’m in the clear.
Even so, I don’t like the implication that I’ve preyed on Tamsyn, although I suppose I have. The fact that she’s relished every minute of it doesn’t make me any less of a sophisticated older man getting his jollies off with a sweet young thing.
I get a tinge of something unpleasant and unwelcome. Not quite bitterness. Definitely not regret.
Maybe it’s just my long-dormant conscience shaking off the dust and yawning with a foul blast of morning breath as it wakes up.
“What do you mean?” I ask when I realize she’s waiting for me to say something.
“Oh, I don’t know,” she says, taking the dog from me and giving her head a kiss before putting her back in her bag. “I can see her meeting some young idiot in a bar one night. God forbid, a Wall Street type. They call them finance bros. Maybe you’ve heard the term? They think they’re God’s gifts to women. It wouldn’t take much for her to think she’s found her soul mate or some such nonsense. And who knows what would happen if he dumped— Oh, Tamsyn, there you are,” she says, her attention snapping to a point over my shoulder. “We were just talking about you. Your ears must be burning.”
I can’t turn around fast enough, and there she is. Sunshine in a pale pink linen dress, all golden summer skin, breeze-swept hair and sparkling eyes. But she looks surprised to see me with Mrs. Hooper and can’t hide her wariness.
Or the way a pretty flush creeps over her cheeks as our gazes briefly connect.
“I’m afraid to ask what you were saying about me,” she says, passing Mrs. Hooper a small makeup bag.
“Don’t be so suspicious, honey,” Mrs. Hooper says. “He was just saying how lucky I am to have you. You remember Lucien, don’t you? Mr. Winter to you.”
“Of course,” Tamsyn says, a corner of her mouth twitching. “How are you, Mr. Winter?”
I nod, not trusting myself with a handshake. Not when I’m this pleased to see her again. And this unsettled by my conversation with Mrs. Hooper. “Tamsyn.”
“That’s everyone,” says the tour guide just then, lowering her clipboard and signaling for the women to fall in line. “Are we ready to go, ladies? Does anyone need to visit the water closet before we go? No? Excellent. Follow me.”
“Well, that’s my cue, Lucien,” Mrs. Hooper says gaily, adjusting the brim of her hat. “Now, listen. My kids are arriving tomorrow for my surprise birthday party?—”
“Mrs. Hooper…” Tamsyn tries.
“Oh, don’t worry, Tam. I’ll act surprised. I’ve been working on my surprised face all month,” Mrs. Hooper continues. “The point is, Lucien, I want you to make an appearance. Make an old woman happy on her eightieth birthday. I won’t hear of you standing me up. Understood?”
“Understood,” I say.
“See you tomorrow, Lucien,” she says as she walks off.
Tamsyn stares after her, nodding thoughtfully. “She’s so fixated on this party idea. We keep telling her the kids aren’t coming, but she won’t listen. I’m thinking maybe I’ll throw her a little surprise after dinner tomorrow. Otherwise, the disappointment will kill her.”
“That’s going above and beyond for your employer.”
“Maybe, but this is so important to her. I mean, she tries to hide it, but she seems so lonely sometimes. If I can do this one small thing for her, I think I should. It would mean the world to her.”
Leave it to Tamsyn to think of something so thoughtful. “Good idea. She’s lucky to have you, like I just told her. I’ll help. I can make a couple of calls when we get back to the ship. Wave my magic wand. Make it nice for her.”
She brightens immediately. “You will? You’d do that for her?”
“I’d do that for you.”
Tamsyn gives me another one of her glowing smiles, and I feel myself slipping further under her spell?—
My phone buzzes just then, snapping me out of it. I check the display. Let’s say I’m less than thrilled to discover it’s my brother. He’s given me a reprieve for the last several days, especially since I’ve been doing some work remotely during my downtime, and I’ve ignored him when he hasn’t. Now’s as good a time as any to reassure myself that he hasn’t burned the company to the ground in my absence.
“Excuse me. I need to take this.”