Page 13 of Captive Heart
I purse my lips. “If ye promise not to scream and carry on, I can take the gag out of yer mouth.”
She looks at me for a second, taking my measure. Then she nods once.
I arch a brow. “Ye promise?”
She nods again. I rise and cross the cramped space, removing the balled up tie from her mouth. She glares at me again, working her mouth and tongue.
Her first question is pointed and unexpected. “Constantine sent you?”
I raise my brows and my mouth draws down into a frown. “Why would ye think that?”
Her eyes narrow on my face. She has lovely hazel eyes, the green-brown colors nearly electric.
“Why else would you mention his name and then kidnap me?”
She pulls at the plastic zip ties that bind her hands and feet. I consider her for a moment.
Can I let her go? Where exactly would she run?
I dart my gaze around and sigh. “I want to let ye out of yer bonds. We are far enough over the ocean by now that ye have nowhere to go but with the airplane.”
Her tongue darts out, wetting her lips. “Okay…”
“If I release ye, ye have to promise to behave. If not, I’ll have to tie ye up again.”
She lifts her chin, frowning a little. “Okay.”
I pull out the knife I keep in my trouser pocket, springing the rather wicked blade open. A flare of fear splashes across her face as I approach. She swallows tightly and looks away.
I’m not sure what kind of life this girl has led. But I am damn sure that she’s deathly afraid of me.
When I reach down and slide the knife through her bonds, my fingers touch her bare skin only briefly. But there is no disguising the way her entire body trembles.
Nor the strange electric spark that seems to jump between us in the few moments my skin brushes hers.
Persephone flinches. She doesn’t move right away.
No, she waits. All her muscles are tensed, coiled, ready for her moment. And the look on her eyes is one of profound disgust.
I step back and she touches both of her wrists. Her eyes flit to the window, avoiding my curious gaze.
“I’m not with Constantine.”
That gets Persephone’s attention. She shoots me a look that is nothing but bewilderment. “I’m not entirely sure that I believe you.”
I shrug, retaking my seat. “That’s really not up to me, is it?”
Her answering scowl is expected. “I really have to use the restroom. And drink some water.”
I give her a grim smile. “Ye do that. We’re going to land shortly. Then we should talk again.” I pause. “Dinnae try to get the stewardess on yer side. We know everything about her life. Where she lives. The names of her kids.Everything. It would be unwise for ye to ask her to choose between all of that and helping a total stranger.”
Persephone looks startled. Good, let her be afraid. That’s what I want from her.
I stand up, finding the stewardess just behind me. “Can ye please see that our guest makes herself comfortable?”
She flushes and bows. “Of course, sir.”
I spend the next twenty minutes on a deadly boring but extremely important phone call about finding an appropriate cargo ship that’s already near Algiers. Lining up the contract with a shipping company is not exciting work.