Page 211 of Captive Heart
I don’t know what reaction she’s looking for, so I play my cards close to my chest. I shrug, endeavoring to keep my expression neutral. “I’m going to need some kind of explanation.”
She and Chase walk down the hall toward me. I give them a look, folding my arms across my chest. Emma flashes me what passes for a smile and ushers me back to her office.
“Please,” she says. “Discretion is very important at this stage.”
Turning around and shaking my head, I allow myself to be herded back into her office. She slinks behind the sleek metal desk; Chase plops down his considerable weight in a chair opposite. I remain standing, staring at them both. “What’s going on?”
Chase purses his lips, glancing at Emma. “We found out that Honor and Mikhail are having an affair.” He gives me a flat look. “Not even really trying to keep it secret, either.”
My eyebrows rise. My mouth contorts. “Wait, she’s fucking him? Willingly?” I scoff disbelievingly. “He’s so old!”
Emma and Chase exchange a look. Emma leans her elbows on her desk, giving a dour look. “Yes. Not only are they having an affair, but Honor says that she’s pregnant with his child. The whole situation is horribly messy.”
Chase grunts. “She told an entire class of ballet students all the sordid details too. Honor really made sure that there was no way to walk the information back.”
Emma sighs, giving her head a tiny shake.
“What’s going to happen to her?” I ask, frowning. Inside, I’m a mass of venomous snakes and white hot anger. But I keep a tight leash on it for now; this isn’t the time or the place to vent my fury.
Emma frowns. Or at least I think she tries to. With all her facial fillers, I feel like I can’t really tell.
“She and Mikhail are both fired. That’s what has to happen here. I see no other choice.”
I wonder to myself if this is the break that I needed to get Honor to take me as a lover. I’ve lusted after her for years, having known her for well over a decade.
“We thought that since you and Honor danced together at ballet academy, you might like to weigh in on how we should go about replacing Honor,” Chase says.
I cock a brow. “Don’t you have two or three ballerinas ready and more than willing to step into her place?”
Emma lays her hands flat on the desk. “There is no obvious replacement. We assumed we had two more years to find someone with thatje ne sais pas.”
Chase looks at his wristwatch. “You’d better tell him the other problem too, Emma.”
I huff a laugh. “Other than not having a star to lead your spring productions?”
Emma’s mouth twists. “We are also down a stage manager.”
My eyes narrow. “I’m sure that someone could be lured away if the money is right. I’ve been pushing for someone to replace Mikhail for a year now.” I pause, tilting my head. “What about Stein? He seemed less than enthused about the Royal Ballet when I talked to him last year.”
“He was already scooped up by the Paris Ballet,” Chase sighs.
I lean forward. “You have tried whoever Stein replaced at the Paris Ballet, then? Who is it, Berger?”
“We were hoping that we would pull in someone closer to hand, actually.” Emma gives a rueful little smile. “I know that it’s been five years since you last worked as a stage manager?—“
My eyebrows shoot up. “You’re kidding. Are you joking?” I give a startled chuckle. “You just finished telling me that you don’t have any stars and you are essentially rudderless without Mikhail. Which, by the way, I specifically warned you both about.”
I fold my hands against my stomach and sit back, angry that they would even bother to ask me.
“Look, Calum—“ Chase begins.
I shake my head. “After I hurt myself dancing, I moved on with my life. I started Indica Tech. I started Indica Charity. The last three years alone, I’ve been insanely productive.”
“We would donate your salary to your charity, obviously,” Emma says.
“And a portion of the ticket sales as well,” Chase says. He shoots Emma a glare.
I level them both with a glare. “You would be doing my charity a disservice, because my salary here would be just a fraction of what I normally earn.”