Page 41 of Captive Heart
I blink a couple of times. I’m staring off into space, ignoring what is in front of my face. My neck heats and I realize that I have a full-fledged erection.
I clear my throat and try to subtly draw her attention away as I adjust my hard cock in my slacks. “What?”
She gives me a funny look then turns away, walking toward the front door of the villa. I trudge after her, feeling like a true villain.
It’s our third day in Valencia. Hades hasn’t gotten up yet. Or at least, he hasn’t made his presence known. But I’m up early, having tossed and turned all night.
Yesterday, I used my brand new iPad to email my brother Lawrence. Younger than me by two years, he has always been closer to me than either one of my parents.
Which is why I stayed in touch with him, even after I disappeared from New Orleans.
I feel more nervous than I should as I check my email. But there is nothing from him.
My inbox is empty.
I get up and make some coffee, staring off blankly. Before me is a picture window with a view of the ocean. But I’m acclimated to it now.
I am thinking about my brother and the reasons why he didn’t respond. Is there a chance that he didn’t get my email?
As the coffee maker brews, I check my sent mail. The email I sent him last night is the first email listed.
I purse my lips, rubbing a spot between my eyebrows. Letting out a huge sigh, I pour myself a cup of coffee.
I practically jump out of my skin, sloshing the hot coffee over the rim of my mug. Turning around, I see Hades stride into the room, already dressed in the same style of black suit, black pants, and a black shirt. He’s eschewed wearing a tie this morning but otherwise, he’s a perfect, handsome robot.
I scowl at him and the corners of his lips lift just slightly. His version of a smile.
“Jumpy, jumpy. Careful, lass.”
I glare at him, taking a too-hot sip of my coffee. Without asking, he pours himself a cup from the pot I’ve made.
He takes a sip and then eyes his mug critically. “Ye call this coffee, do ye? I’ve had stronger milk tea.”
“If you don’t like it, you should get up earlier and make your own pot of coffee,” I snap.
Hades feeds me the faintest smirk. “And what has got ye in such a temper?”
My iPad chimes. I look over at it, biting my lip, my breath seizing. Hades didn’t explicitly forbid me from contacting anyone… but at the same time, I know that it’s probably not exactly welcome, either.
I don’t really want to hear him shouting me down for emailing Lawrence. So, I wrinkle my nose and set my cup down, ignoring the chime.
Hades squints at the iPad. “It seems that Apple wants ye to know something, lass. What do ye think it is?”
“Oh…” It feels strange to lie to Hades. “I don’t know. I haven’t really set it up right yet. It chimes and buzzes all the time and I’m not really sure why.”
His gaze flits to me, studying my face. He sips his coffee as casually as you would please. But his eyes are calculating.
If only I could keep the flush from my cheeks.
“Ye wouldn’t be trying to contact the authorities, would ye? Because I can assure ye that would be a very poorly thought out idea.”
I look up, drawing a breath. “No. I understand our deal all too well, Hades.”