Page 72 of Captive Heart
Hades shoots me a glare. “I wouldn’t know.”
“Yes, you would,” I fire back. I cross my arms, annoyed at his questions. “You seem to know everything. And I do not mean that as a compliment.”
He shoots me a look. “Get dressed. The doctor that stitched ye up recommended that ye move around, keep yer blood circulating.”
I screw up my face. “What are the chances that yer just telling me that because you think it’s true?”
He gives me a pinched look. “If ye get a blood clot out here, yer fucked. So, get dressed or I’ll drag ye outside for a walk as ye are right now.”
“That doesn’t sound appealing,” I grumble. “Get out so I can change.”
“I’ll be outside yer door.” He cocks a brow. “But it’s not like I haven’t seen ye naked, lass.”
I chuck a pillow at him, my face heating. He smirks and disappears, closing the heavy wood door.
I manage to dress myself with some difficulty. Every time I move my arms or torso or even breathe too hard, a throbbing pain radiates out from my aching ribs. When I pop my head out of the bedroom, Hades is slumped against the wall, frowning down at his phone. He looks up, brushing his hair back from his face. He hasn’t shaved recently, and his chin-length hair looks a bit wild, turning into loose waves. His green eyes burn into me, making me very aware of exactly how handsome he is.
My tongue darts out to wet my bottom lip as he straightens and pushes himself off of the wall. He walks the couple of steps to loom over me, his mouth twitching with just the barest hint of humor.
“Stop looking at me like that, lass,” he rumbles.
I blush as red as a beet. Without breaking eye contact, I tuck my hair back behind my ears, all nervous for no reason. When I speak, my words have a breathy quality to them.
“Like what?” I ask softly.
A rueful little smile passes over his features. “Like a little kitten in heat.” He pauses, pushing his cheek out with his tongue. “If ye weren’t injured, I would strip ye, tease ye, and make ye beg to taste my cock.”
His words send a shiver of pure heat through my too-cold bones. I stare at him for a second, tempted to take him up on it. My ribs would heal in time… but how many chances would I have to seduce this man?
I lick my lips, opening my mouth to respond. But Hades gives his head a little shake.
“Dinnae, Penny.”
My brows arch. Before I can say anything else, he turns and starts walking away down the narrow hallway we are standing in. I follow him, my steps slow. Whenever I jostle my ribs too much, I feel like I might bust a stitch.
Hades makes it to the end before he realizes that I’m moving much slower than he is. He frowns and waits for me, his gaze sweeping over me from head to toe.
“Take my arm,” he says, sticking his elbow out when I get close.
I purse my lips and slip my hand into the crook of his arm. “Thanks,” I say faintly.
We head out into the large main room we encountered yesterday. With its vaulted ceilings, its worn stone walls, and its long and undoubtedly priceless Persian rugs, the room is already spectacular. While I slept the gray dust cloths have been removed from the enormous chandeliers and they twinkle as they spill light across the room.
I notice suddenly that everything has been cleaned, from the chandeliers to the formerly dusty side tables to the deep grooves in the stone floors.
I tilt my head. “Someone came and cleaned.”
“Yes.” Hades nods as he escorts me across the chamber. “The same family has been taking care of this place for a hundred years. Even in our absence, they come and clean once in a while.”
“Ah.” I scrunch my face up as we make it to the foyer again. “It must have been pretty great to grow up here.”
“What?” A startled look crosses his face. “I dinnae ken what would give ye that impression, lass.”
Hades shoulders the massive front door open. I step outside into the bright morning sun and shade my eyes as I look at him. I’m trying to read his expression, but he just seems a little disgruntled to me.
No different from any other time, really.
“It just seems…” I wave a hand to indicate the massive manor house. “Ye grew up with all of this, right?”