Page 108 of The Beloved
“I’m about to fucking lose it,” he growled before he kissed her.
The feel of his lips against hers was an explosion of raw sexual sensation, and she was no more gentle than he was as she grabbed on to his shoulders and dragged him to her. As her breasts rubbed against his chest, she curved into him, and felt the hard length at the front of his hips. And when his tongue entered her, all she could think of was what he’d done with it before—where it had been on her, how it had felt to be licked by him on her nipples.
What else he’d been looking to lick up.
As she moaned and didn’t have to hide the sound, he started walking her backwards. She hadn’t had much impression of the cabin’s interior as they’d come inside—she hadn’t seen a bed, but like she cared? He could fuck her on the bare floor if he wanted to.
Or maybe… standing up, her backed into a corner, her legs around his waist—
Nate broke the seal of their mouths, and leaned to the side. To a keypad of some kind.
There was a series of soft beeps, and then a mechanical shifting.
Light pooled in the floor, illuminating a set of stairs that went down into the earth. And they were nice stairs, carpeted in a neutral, with a handrail.
“After you,” he said.
Nalla took the descent slowly, not because she was worried at all about what she was going to find, but because she wanted to savor the experience of seeing his personal space for the first time.
And now, she wasn’t disappointed.
It was just an open area, like the cabin above, but his sleeping quarters were clean and warm, and they smelled like fabric softener, as if he’d recently put something through the stackable washer and dryer set up in the corner. The bed was on the far wall, and though it didn’t havea head- or footboard, it was perfectly made up, with white sheets and a cream comforter and an extra roll of something soft and blue at the base.
For a kitchen, there was a small stretch of countertop with a hot plate next to an inset bar sink and a little dorm refrigerator with a microwave on top. A short stack of bookshelves was where he kept his food and the single plate, glass, and set of steel utensils—and the safe beside it, which was the largest thing in the place outside of the bed, had to be where he stowed his weapons.
As a whirring registered overhead, she glanced up. The panel that had rolled back was easing into place once more, locking them in. Safe.
Locking the world out. Entirely.
“The bathroom’s through there,” he said as he pointed to a closed door. “?’Scuse my clothes.”
She turned in that direction.
Before she could say anything, he shrugged. “It’s not much, but it’s mine.”
Nalla smiled and started to draw off her coat. “I think it’s just perfect.”
The tension in his shoulders seemed to ease. “You’re lying.”
Laying her parka on the seat of a padded armchair, she immediately started to tug her turtleneck free from the waistband of her jeans.
“The kind of privacy we have here,” she murmured as she pulled the black folds over her head, “makes this a palace.”
Nate purred in the back of his throat, the sound reaching her like a caress all across her whole body at once. “Does it now.”
“Do you want to help me with this?” she asked while she tickled the edges of her bra with her fingertips. “I think you’ll do a better job than I will.”
Pivoting, she made a show of drawing her hair together and holding it up high on her head.
She sensed, rather than heard, him approach, and as he caressed her shoulders and then followed her spine down to her hips, she bit her lower lip.
“Bend down for me, will you,” he said.
Nalla was more than happy to do just that—and good job that chair was close. Balancing her weight on the seat by putting her arms out straight and bracing herself, she looked over her shoulder.
Nate was staring at what she was blatantly offering him, and his palms were light as they discovered her ass, skimming over the contours. He didn’t make her wait for what she wanted: He stepped into her, and pushed the front of his hips in tight—
Squeezing her eyes shut, she moaned and nearly fell face-first into the chair—and thank God the thing was right up against the wall. She would have pushed it across the room.