Page 31 of The Beloved
“Do you really want to know.”
Her head went back and forth slowly. “No, I don’t think I do.”
“You better get over to Bathe. You don’t want to catch a cold.”
“Okay. I’ll… do that.”
Nate nodded to her, and then he looked down toward Nalla. Who somehow hadn’t noticed him or the humans.
Let the female go, he told himself.
Bending down, he picked up his phone and was relieved it still worked. And when he walked away, resuming his stupid trail, there was no more from the woman in pink. Maybe she even had the sense to get out of the winter chill by going home and sobering up. He doubted it. Then again, he probably should go home and start digging a hole for Mickey Trix. Instead, he was shadowing a female who was none of his business—
Baby powder.
Flaring his nostrils, he breathed in deep just to make sure his aggression wasn’t translating into some kind of olfactory delusion that the enemy had shown up. But then he saw—a block away—that a figure had stepped into Nalla’s path. The pair stared at each other for a moment… and then she backed away, into a fucking alley, out of sight.
Thelesserfollowed her.
Of course it did.
Nate took off at a dead run, pounding the pavement as he went for one of his knives—no, a gun, he wanted one of his guns—beneath his leather jacket. Arriving at the curb cut, he skidded around the corner, and pointed his .357 Magnum hand cannon down the brick-faced chute.
The slayer was directly in front of Nalla. So any lead that went through it was going right into her.
“You don’t want the female,” Nate called out. “Come for me.”
Thelesser’s head turned and Nate got a quick image of its profile, the lean bones of the face showing through its white skin, its white hair gleaming in the darkness, its eyes flashing with unholy white light.
And then everything went slo-mo.
For some reason, a knife flashed in an arc at the slayer’s shoulder level—and then the thing went for its own throat with both hands, the blade it had been holding falling to the asphalt and bouncing away.As the undead lurched forward into a bow, Nalla came into full view, and… ohhh, shit. Her face was a dead mask of composure, no fear or shock distorting her features. She might as well have been at a grocery store feeling up avocados—
The female moved so fast, she was nearly impossible to track.
She double-fisted her knife, wound up like she had a bat in her hands, and went grand slam, burying the blade in the ear of the slayer. Horrific noises geysered up as the torso jerked to the left, and she let the weapon free itself by keeping a strong hold on the hilt. Then she just took the fuck over. With a solid kick to the side of its head, she sent the undead bastard on a tumble to the ground, and as soon as it was on the pavement, she shoved thelesseronto its back, straddled its hips—
She stabbed both of the eyes.
Her aim was absolutely perfect, the tip of her weapon piercing the meat of the peepers in two quick down strokes. After that, she just stood over her prey and seemed to enjoy the show as black blood dripped off her dagger. When the arms and legs finally slowed down with their jerking and flopping, she dismounted and ended the show with one final penetration directly into the center of the chest.
As the bright light flashed and thepop!sounded out, she jumped back so she didn’t get singed by the disintegration—and the way her calm face and lithe body were silhouetted against the illumination was something he was never going to forget.
Well, he wasn’t going to forgetanyof it—and how fucking weird was it that, for a split second, he wondered if they weren’t soul mates: They’d both opened attacks by slitting the throats of their enemies. If that wasn’t compatibility, what was? Fuck toothpaste caps and sleep schedules.
As the flash of thelessergetting sent back to its maker faded, and there was only the smell of burnt marshmallows and dead animal, she turned to him calmly.
“Do you mind lowering your weapon? Unless you perceive me as a threat, of course. Which would be pretty ridiculous.”
Nate blinked and glanced down at his Magnum. Then he cleared his throat. “Duck for me, would ya?”
The female frowned and glanced behind herself.“Fuck—!”