Page 112 of The Gathering
Barbara considered. “Actually, I’d like you to look at something.”
The girl sighed. “Fine.”
Barbara rose and walked back around the bar through the kitchen. “You ever store stuff in the freezer for other people, aside from dead bodies?”
“Sometimes we’ve stored the odd deer carcass for one of the hunters.”
“Nothing else?”
“Not that I know of.”
“Okay.” Barbara pulled open the freezer door and then paused. She glanced over her shoulder. “Not being funny, but you got something to prop this with?”
Mayflower walked back to the bar and came back with a heavy stool, which she used to wedge the door open.
“Shit!” she exclaimed as she took in the spilled bags, the blood and frosted organs. “What the fuck?”
“Couldn’t have said it better myself,” Barbara said grimly.
She walked across the freezer and picked up one of the bags. Two frozen organs nestled inside. “You know what these are?”
Mayflower stared at her, wide-eyed. “Hearts, and I’m guessing they ain’t pig.”
“Nope. Looks to me like these are vampyr. And I’d say they’re fresh.”
She looked around the freezer. When she was here with Nicholls, her focus had been on Marcus’s body. She hadn’t really paid much attention to the rest of the room. Now she looked around more carefully.
Mayflower rubbed at her arms and shivered. “What are you looking for, anyway?”
“Not sure.” Barbara’s eyes narrowed. She walked toward one of the stainless-steel storage units. Metal containers were stacked on the shelves. She pulled the lid off one. It was half full of Saran-wrapped meat. The meat looked like deer. She examined a couple more and wondered if her gut instinct about this was right. She reached to the back. There were two bigger containers here, both with lids on. She used both hands to pull one out. It didn’t feel as heavy as the others, despite its size. She pried open the lid.
“Jesus Christ!”
She recoiled in revulsion, the container slipping from her fingers. It hit the floor with a clang and landed on its side.
Mayflower let out a scream. The contents of the container rolled across the floor, coming to rest at Barbara’s feet.
She looked down.
The decapitated vampyr head stared lifelessly back at her.
“We didn’t know what was in the containers. We was just doing the Doc a favor.”
Carly glared at Barbara, bony arms crossed over her chest.
Barbara met her gaze evenly. “So, these aren’t your containers?”
Carly glanced at her husband. “No.”
“And you didn’t think to ask why Doc Dalton wanted you to keep these containers in your freezer?”
“We thought it was something to do with his work.”
“And you never looked inside?”