Page 13 of Emily
Despite his distraction wondering why Emily was home tonight instead of working—and somehow feeling dirtier for looking at her doppelganger on the auction website while she was only a few blocks away from him rather than at work—Damian booted up his computer and pulled up the site. The password worked just like Paul said it would, sending him to an application for the auction site. Since he was a BDE member, he didn’t actually have to provide much. His membership number and password to that site got him in easily.
From there, all he had to do was set up how he was going to pay and get approved for how high he could bid. Clearly, Braden had thought ahead to make sure he didn’t need to worry about anyone bidding amounts they couldn’t afford.
Despite feeling like a perv, the first page Damian went to after that was the virgin auction to stare at the Emily look-alike.
Curvy, like her, long light brown hair, like her. It wasn’t like Emily’s hair color was uncommon. Her username was “Sunshine.” After taking a long look at the pictures, unsure of whether or not he was happy he couldn’t see the young woman’s face, he decided to check out the rest of the site. Maybe someone else would catch his eye. Or maybe he would find someone who also resembled Emily, who he could bid on who wasn’t a young virgin.
There were a few with some similarities. The long, light brown hair. The curves. But none that resembled her as much as Sunshine.
The more he thought about it, the more he hated the idea of Sunshine getting someone who wouldn’t appreciate her. Yes, there were a couple other virgins on the site, but it wasn’t as though he could buy all of them. And, if he was being truthful, he didn’t want to.
There was only one who called to him, only one he could even imagine bidding on. The one that looked like the girl he couldn’t have.
He couldn’t have Emily, but he could bid on Sunshine. Give her a good night, a great night even. Ensure the loss of her virginity gave her the money she must need and that she received pleasure from it. Then he could hopefully move on with his life and find someone age-appropriate, having purged the fantasy from his system.
No, she wasn’t Emily, but he could make it close enough.
His phone ringing made him jump guiltily, and he slammed the laptop shut so he wasn’t looking at the site anymore. There was no way he could have that up and visible while he answered his daughter’s phone call.
“Hey, honey.” He cleared his throat, realizing he sounded a little odd. Thankfully, she didn’t seem to notice.
“Hey, Dad. I just wanted to call to let you know I got into a show here!”
“What? I didn’t even know you were auditioning for anything.” He couldn’t help but smile. Even though she was serious about her studies, Katrina had always had a theatrical bent. He wanted to ask if she thought that being in a show might affect her studies, but he knew she wouldn’t have auditioned if she was worried about that. She was an adult now, and he needed to try to trust her to take care of her own schedule.
Plus, if he nagged her too much, she might stop calling him with news.
“Well, I didn’t want to tell you in case I didn’t get it, but I’m going to be in the Vagina Monologues in June!”
“Great?” It came out as more of a question than a congratulation.
Katrina’s laugh echoed over the phone. “It’s a bunch of monologues by women about their vaginas. You’re going to come see me in it, right?” she asked, sounding perfectly gleeful.
“Yup, of course, sweetie. So proud of you.” He rubbed his forehead. “Do I want to ask what part you have?” She wasn’t doing this to torture him. Probably. No, that would just be a happy byproduct for her.
“They haven’t been assigned yet. A group of us got in, and during our first rehearsal, we’ll go through them, and they’ll be assigned to us. Everyone’s going to do at least two, and a few people might get to do three.” She was clearly excited.
“That’s great, honey.” He did his best to drum up some sincere enthusiasm. “I hope you get whatever it is you want to do.”
Katrina snickered.
She was having a little too much fun at his expense, but he wasn’t going to complain. Part of him wanted to ask if she’d called Emily the night before, but—still feeling guilty about the website that would reappear as soon as he opened his laptop back up—he couldn’t bring himself to bring her up. Besides, he really didn’t need to hear his daughter call him Trailer Park Daddy again, especially not right after talking about vagina monologues.
She told him a bit about how they’d become a show, reassured him it wouldn’t interfere with her studies—though he didn’t ask—and said that she would wait to get a part-time job until after the show was over. None of which he asked about, but she clearly knew he’d be concerned.
Damn, he’d gotten lucky with what a good kid she was.
“Are you making dinner?” she asked when she heard him moving pots and pans around.
“Oh, okay, then I’ll let you go.”
“I can keep talking.” Honestly, he’d be happy to stay on the phone with her all night. When she was on the phone with him, he knew she was okay.
It was damn hard being a long-distance dad.