Page 19 of Emily
Two hundred and twenty-five thousand dollars?
It was still an impossible amount.
Leaning over, she put her head between her knees, taking deep breaths as the panic inside her whirled. She didn’t even know why she was panicking. This was beyond the answer to her prayers, far beyond what she had hoped for, yet she was freaking out even more than if it had been ten thousand dollars.
More than two hundred thousand dollars!
The trailer she lived in wasn’t even worth that much.
Emily gulped.
That really was life-changing money.
I could get a car. I could move. I could go to school. I could…
Her thoughts were racing, chaotic, but she pushed that all away. First, she had to get the money. Since her breathing had evened out, she lifted her head and kept reading the email.
There were directions in it passed on from her buyer. All communications between them would be handled via the auction site, for safety, which was a relief. She didn’t have to set up anything on her own. The money was currently verified and waiting in escrow, and once she and the buyer signed off on the task being completed, the money would be transferred to her bank account. The site did not handle taxes. Emily made a mental note to make sure to look into what she would need to do for that, but even that little mental note felt very far away, as if it belonged to someone else.
She’d never needed to do anything like that before.
Putting down the phone, she pinched herself. Just in case. Not that she’d ever tried to pinch herself in a dream in case she was dreaming, so just the attempt told her something, but…
Definitely awake.
Awake and soon to be losing her virginity but gaining everything she needed to actually live.
Her phone chimed with another incoming email from the site. Still feeling like everything was surreal, Emily opened it to see what the follow-up was.
It was a message from her buyer, passed on through the website. If she’d realized, she probably wouldn’t have opened it—she would have been too terrified. So, it was a good thing she hadn’t known… because the message was kind of nice.
Hello, Sunshine,
* * *
You can call me Master D. I wanted to reassure you that I’m going to take care of you for your first time. I want it to be as good for you as it can possibly be.
* * *
In that vein, at the bottom of this email, I have included a link to a gift card so you can buy yourself something to wear for the evening. I particularly like silk and lace, but I want you to have whatever you desire. My main request is that you also purchase a mask. I will be wearing one as well. I would like to keep this pure fantasy and also preserve our identities should we ever run across each other out in the world. Let me know if this meets with your approval, or we can discuss other options.
* * *
I am free both nights this weekend or the next. If a weeknight would work better for you, I can arrange that as well.
* * *
Let me know when will be best for you and if there’s a particular location that is preferable. If you’d like to meet at Club BDE, we can, or at a hotel if that’s your preference. Once I have your answer for time and town, I will make the arrangements.
* * *
Looking forward to meeting you,
Master D