Page 30 of Emily
She didn’t want to move from Mr. Elliott’s lap.
She also didn’t really want to call him Mr. Elliott.
It was so wrong, but it felt so right.
God, what would Katrina think?
Even that thought didn’t motivate her to stand. Though the wobbly legs didn’t help, either. Her body still felt oddly out of alignment, as if she’d had an out-of-body experience and hadn’t quite made it fully back yet. She wasn’t entirely herself right now. The whole world had shifted on its axis just one degree.
“How much money do you need?” His voice was much more contained than before, and there was no judgment, but Emily still cringed.
“I mean, none after tonight.” She took the tissues from him, so her hands had something to do, playing with the soft folds. “You’ve taken care of everything I need and more.” Which was when the obvious question finally made its way through her shock and embarrassment. “Wait… how did you…” Her head jerked up so she could meet his dark gaze, and her words stalled out as she was unable to think of a way to ask the question that didn’t sound terrible.
He lived in the same trailer park she did, so how did he have so much money to spend on buying her? On spoiling her?
“Ah, well… I’ve done pretty well for myself, but I don’t need much, and I like where I live, so...” He shrugged as if it wasn’t a big deal. “Trust me, Sunshine, I can more than afford this weekend.” His gaze turned curious as he studied her shocked expression. “I take it you and Katrina never talked about money? Not even how she was paying for all that school?”
Mutely, Emily shook her head.
The assumptions that had been made… she’d thought Katrina had a lot less money than she actually did, and Katrina had likely thought Emily had a fair bit more. She couldn’t feel betrayed because both of them hadn’t been completely upfront, but it was a startling revelation that there were still major things about her friend she’d never known.
All the little things Katrina’s dad had paid for over the years… no wonder he hadn’t been concerned about being paid back.
She felt stupid. And embarrassed.
Of all the people she wouldn’t want to know her situation, Katrina and her dad topped the list. She’d known her best friend would want to help, but she’d assumed that Katrina would have her own money issues… instead, Mr. Elliott was apparently rolling in it.
Mr. Elliott took a deep breath, and his arms tightened around her, just a little. She could feel the thick bulge of his erection pressing into her thigh, and she felt her pussy quiver in response. It didn’t matter that she was sore and embarrassed. Being on his lap, in his arms, turned her on all over again.
“So, what do you want to do now?” he asked.
She wanted to snuggle into the bed in his arms and never go back to the real world. Pressing her lips together, she looked down at the arm that was over her lap—and realized another reason she hadn’t recognized him.
“What happened to your tattoos?” she asked instead of answering him, not sure she should admit what she really wanted. She couldn’t imagine what he thought of her now, his daughter’s best friend who sold her virginity on the internet.
“Coverup. Don’t avoid the question, Sun—I mean, Emily.” Despite his slip, Mr. Elliott’s stern gaze bored into her. “I need to know what you want to do from here.”
“Like, if I want to keep going for the night?” she asked. He blinked as if startled, and Emily bit her lower lip. “I mean, you don’t, I don’t, um…”
“I was talking more about how we should treat each other back at the park and when we inevitably run into each other when Katrina is home. But you want to keep going?” His hand caressed her hip as he asked the question, as if he couldn’t help himself, and Emily’s body lit on fire in response.
No. She should say no, right? This was her best friend’s dad. Her dad’s former best friend. The man had seen her grow up. Even without the age gap between them, there were so many reasons not to. And yet…
She didn’t want to say no.
She wanted to stay.
She wanted to be in bed with a man who made her feel like he just had… a man who’d cared enough about a complete stranger to make her first time—after selling her virginity—amazing. A man who was still cradling her, touching her, as if he couldn’t keep his hands off her.
A man who wanted her to call him Daddy, then backed up that title with everything she’d read about in her favorite books.
One night of this, a whole night, would be… there weren’t words. There wasn’t enough money in the world. Nothing would come of it, and she knew it could never be repeated, which was why she wanted it to last for as long as possible.
“I… yes… only if you want to,” she whispered, staring back at him, unable to look away from his gaze. His fingers tightened their hold on her hip, and she felt his cock flex against the side of her thigh.
“I think we need to talk about what happens tomorrow.” His voice had gotten lower. Gruffer. Similar to how he’d sounded when he’d first come in. But he hadn’t taken his eyes or his hands off her.