Page 46 of Emily
Just like Emily wanted to do. It didn’t matter what life threw at her, or her father, she’d find a way through it. Emily lifted her gaze again. Daddy was on his way back to them.
“You can’t go back in your trailer tonight,” he said, not unkindly, but it was clear he was too tired to try to soften the words.
She’d already known that, but hearing it still felt like a blow to her chest.
“Okay. Is there any sign of my… my…” She couldn’t even say the word dad. Not when the man standing in front of her registered in her brain as ‘Daddy.’ There was also the knowledge that her father was responsible for the fire, one way or another. She couldn’t think about that right now, though.
She couldn’t think about her father, couldn’t think about what might be destroyed in the trailer, or what she was going to do tomorrow. She just felt numb and empty.
“No sign of… Don.” His jaw worked. He looked like he was full of the anger she should be feeling but couldn’t find the energy.
“You can stay with me tonight if you want, dear,” Mrs. Martine said.
“No. She’ll go with me. I have the extra room, and just in case Don comes back…”
Emily shivered, and Mrs. Martine nodded.
“Come on, Sunshine.” Daddy’s voice softened as he held out his hand to her. She put her fingers in his and felt herself relax. “I’ll take care of her, Mrs. Martine.”
“Let me know if you need anything,” the older woman said, getting to her feet and giving Emily a hug. Emily hugged her back. She was grateful for the offer, but she knew where she wanted to be—with her Daddy.
One More Night
Fucking arson.
What the hell had Don been thinking? Had he known there was a cat inside or just not cared? Had he just been angry at Emily?
He didn’t think he could tell Emily right now. She looked as if she was about to crumple into a million pieces.
He wanted to find the man and rip him apart limb from limb.
But Emily needed him more.
“Come on, Sunshine.” Wrapping his arm around her shoulders, he pulled her against him and walked her and the kitten back to his trailer. She went easily, following his lead, slumping as though she was thankful he was taking charge.
At least he could do this for her. His Daddy Dom instincts had gone into overdrive. Emily needed him, and everything in him responded to that. Even without their night together, he would have stepped in to help her. The fact he felt possessive over her as well as protective… well, it added another dimension to his emotions.
She moved on autopilot. He sat her down on his couch while he got a makeshift litterbox together for the kitten as well as a little bed. They’d have to get him some more food in the morning. Looking around, he couldn’t think of anything else he could do for the kitten right now, which meant it was time to handle Emily.
Still sitting on the couch, she was staring down at the kitten in her lap, who was happily purring and cleaning himself, apparently unbothered by his adventures. As far as Damian could tell, he wasn’t hurt or distressed. Brave little thing.
“I’ve got everything set up for the kitten?—”
“Phoenix,” she interrupted him. Damian paused, blinking, and she looked up. “I named him Phoenix.”
“That’s a good name.” And very appropriate. Damian kept his tone gentle. “It’s time to put him down and get ready for bed. Here.” He picked up Phoenix and placed him in the nest of blankets he’d put together for a kitten bed. Emily blinked as if seeing the bed for the first time, then immediately burst into tears.
He’d been trying to keep his hands to himself as much as he could, but there was no way he could ignore her crying. Sliding next to her on the couch, he pulled her onto his lap, rubbing her back and murmuring reassurances that everything would be okay while he let her cry it out. He wasn’t really trying to stop her tears—she needed the emotional release—but he wanted to be there to support her.
She cried hard for the first few minutes before her sobs began to slow, her head leaning against his shoulder, breath hiccupping.