Page 58 of Emily
“What do I wear?”
“Whatever you want.”
Emily rolled her eyes. That wasn’t a real answer. “What do most people wear? Most of the women?”
“Anything from street clothes to leather to lace to latex.” He smiled at her, his eyes dancing with amusement. “It really is whatever you’re most comfortable in. No matter what you’re wearing, I’ll be planning on stripping it off you, anyway.”
Heat flushed her cheeks, and she glanced at the tables around them again. Thankfully, he’d dropped the volume of his voice, and it didn’t appear anyone had heard him, but still. “Shh,” she whispered, much to his obvious amusement.
He chuckled.
Now that they’d gotten all the harder topics out of the way, the rest of dinner went much easier, with conversation flowing naturally. They didn’t eat dessert at the restaurant. Instead, Daddy had her for dessert that night. Emily fell asleep in his arms, and it wasn’t until the next day that she started to stress about going to the club and meeting his brother.
He went off to work, leaving her to her own devices with strict instructions to notify him immediately if she saw her father and also to take the day to relax. It had finally occurred to her that she could wear the lingerie she’d worn the night he’d taken her virginity to the club, though she did run out to the store to pick up a light coat to go over it. With the coat’s hem hanging to her knees, no one would know how little she was wearing underneath.
The other stop she made was to visit her mom. As hard as it was, her mom needed to know about her dad. They’d never been able to get officially divorced since her dad had dipped out when her mom had gone to jail, and the logistics of securing a divorce had just been too difficult, but she knew that her mom considered their marriage over. After Emily updated her, her mom cursed a blue streak, then apologized, tears in her eyes, for not being able to be there for her.
Stressing that it wasn’t her fault, Emily picked up her mom’s spirits by telling her about the new job… then finally confessing she was dating Damian. She wasn’t actually sure how the latter was going to go over, but she didn’t feel right keeping it from her mom.
Though her mom was clearly a little weirded out, she didn’t say so. She had a rather pinched expression, as though she was holding back her concerns by sheer force of will, which Emily appreciated. And she repeated the same line that Katrina had—as long as you’re happy.
Which she was.
She was really, really happy. Though also scared she hadn’t seen the last of her dad. After Damian told her he thought her dad was after insurance money… ugh. Not that she’d really expected her dad to care about her possessions, but it still infuriated her.
By the time Damian got home, she was all jazzed up with the anticipation of going to the BDE club. She’d put on the lingerie, and when he walked in the door, his eyes lit up the moment he saw her. She’d positioned herself carefully so he would see her as soon as he walked in, her feet beveled like the way she’d learned in high school theater to jut out one hip and make her legs look extra-long. Her hair fell around her like a cloud, and she thought she’d done a sexy job on her makeup.
“Fuck…” He uttered the curse in a hoarse voice as he came to a halt, drinking her in with his gaze. “Are you trying to kill me?”
“Definitely not,” she replied tartly, shaking her head. “What good would that do me?”
Chuckling, he came forward, which was when she noticed the plastic bag he was holding in his hand. He was wearing jeans and his work t-shirt but still looked sexy as hell. She couldn’t wait to see what he was going to wear to BDE tonight. Leather, she hoped.
“I’ve got a present for you. One more thing for tonight.”
“Oh?” Emily perked up, dropping her sexy pose and holding out her hands in a ‘gimme’ stance, but he didn’t hand the bag to her.
“I have to wash it first.”
“What?” She blinked, coming to a halt.
A slow smile spread across his lips.
“I have to wash it first.”
Coming forward, he moved the bag, so it was behind him, out of her reach, as he pulled her against him with one arm so he could take her lips in a hard kiss. Emily softened against him, meeting his tongue with hers, her body thrumming with anticipation as her mind raced, trying to figure out what he could mean. When he pulled away, she stared up at him, hoping he would explain.
“I’ll be right back.” He shifted her around, so he could go to the bathroom.
What on earth?
Curious, Emily crept forward and put her ear to the bathroom door. She could hear the sound of plastic being opened, then some softer noises that were hard to interpret. A spray of something? What was he spraying? Hair spray? Then water running. She frowned. What could it possibly be?
When he opened the door, she nearly fell through it and ended up stumbling right into his chest. She looked up and smiled as he raised his eyebrows at her.