Page 70 of Emily
Before either of them could say anything, the sound of a motorcycle revving got louder and louder, and this time when her heart leapt in her chest, she knew it was for the right reason.
Daddy’s home.
Pulling away from Desmond, she darted around him and straight for the incoming motorcycle. Daddy stopped it well away from the crowd that parted to let her through.
“I’m right here!” She pelted toward him, jumping into his arms for a hug, even though he’d barely gotten off the bike. Thankfully, she didn’t knock him over, though it was a close call.
“Fuck.” He squeezed her tightly against him, breathing in the scent of her with his nose against her neck.
There were a few titters and murmurs around them, and Emily realized they were making a bit of a scene, but she didn’t care. If people now realized there was more to her staying in his trailer than just needing a place to live, oh well. They’d have figured it out eventually, anyway.
“Are you okay?”
“I’m fine, Da-Damian.” Okay, so she might be fine with people knowing they were a couple, but she didn’t want anyone overhearing her call him ‘Daddy.’ That was their private thing, thank you.
“She’s fine, Blake.” Desmond came sauntering up behind them.
It was so weird hearing Damian called by his first name, even though he’d explained that he and Desmond both did it to each other just to get under the other’s skin. Their whole relationship was a little weird. But then, she didn’t have siblings. Maybe she just didn’t understand.
“Thanks for being here.” Daddy actually managed to sound sincere when he said it, and Desmond smiled at him.
“Of course. Bastian and I asked to be alerted if that asshole showed up anywhere near your girl. We wanted to be… around. Just in case.”
Which was really very sweet of them. Letting go of Daddy, Emily spun around and threw her arms around Desmond, startling him so much, she almost knocked him over.
“Oh, um… there, there…” Desmond patted her shoulder awkwardly.
She snorted, shaking her head before letting him go. It only took a moment before Daddy was pulling her back against him, holding her close, as if he couldn’t stand to let her go. She twisted around to look up at him.
“I’m sorry I made you leave work.”
He hesitated, but only for a moment.
“Even if you had, that’s not something to apologize for. But I wasn’t actually at work, Sunshine.” There was an odd note in his voice.
Emily twisted around so she could look at his face, frowning. He’d told her he was going to be at work all day, and it wasn’t like him to lie. What was going on?
“You weren’t?”
“No, I was visiting your mom.” He dropped his hands from her, stepping back.
Sudden fear stabbed her through the heart. He’d gone to visit her mom? Without telling her? Why? And what had her mom said that made him look at her like this? Had she disapproved, even though she’d told Emily otherwise? Had she convinced him that they were too far apart in age? That they should break up?
Her heart pounded inside her chest, and the fear she felt was far more than when her dad had shown up today, than when he’d tried to grab her.
“Why?” She wanted to step toward him, but she didn’t know if she should. If he was going to break up with her, she… she didn’t know where she was going to go. Katrina’s room was her only refuge, and it was still far too close to him.
He took a deep breath. “For this.” He dropped to his knee, reaching into his pocket at the same time.
Emily’s brain stuttered to a stop as all her expectations came to a screeching halt and reversed.
“Holy shit!” Desmond said, behind her.
“What is your brother doing?” That was Bastian.
At least, Emily assumed it was. She was having a little trouble thinking because her brain had turned to mushy chaos as she stared at Daddy lifting up a small black velvet box. Was that white noise in her brain or just all the things the neighbors were saying blurring together into a cacophony of indiscernible sound?