Page 8 of Emily
“Woah, wait, you’ve never gotten naked in front of anyone else?” Penny’s back rub paused. “So, you’re like, a virgin?”
Emily nodded. Penny let out a low whistle and started rubbing circles on Emily’s back again. It felt nice. Almost motherly. God, she missed her mom. Not that she would ever tell her mom that she’d tried to apply to work at a strip club. Her mom had enough guilt, being stuck in prison and knowing how Emily was struggling without either of her parents to help her.
Like Katrina, Emily’s mom didn’t know exactly how bad things had gotten. There was nothing she could do, after all, and Emily didn’t want to add to her burden.
Plus, she hoped that by the time her mom was out, she’d have her life together.
“Okay, this isn’t the place to talk. Come with me. Maybe I can help you out.” Penny patted Emily’s back. Not knowing what else to do, Emily got to her feet and followed Penny down the hall to a door that led into a dressing room. There were two other women in there, both getting ready for their turn on the stage. They blinked in surprise when they saw Emily.
“Hey, Sasha, I need you to tell this chick about that virgin auction your friend did.”
“Virgin auction?” Emily asked, startled. She took a step back toward the door they’d just come through.
Penny spun around and gave Emily a hard look.
“You’re desperate, right? And a virgin. You need money, and I don’t think you’re cut out to be a stripper. The auction will get you a lot more money than stripping, and you’ll only have to get naked in front of one person. Plus, some guy who’s willing to pay to pop a cherry isn’t going to mind a bit of crying.”
She summed up the situation so matter-of-factly, Emily couldn’t think of a single argument. It was like her mind had gone completely blank.
“Let me guess, you were thinking your first time would be special,” said the woman who came to stand next to Penny. Sasha, presumably. Long black hair flowed over her shoulders and down to her waist, half-covering the bikini she was wearing. Behind her, the other woman was seated in front of the mirror, twisting her dreadlocks into a complicated knot on top of her head, seemingly disinterested in the conversation.
Rather than answering, Emily looked at the floor. Because, yeah, she had wanted it to be special. Romantic. But Penny was right. She was running out of options.
“Trust me, a couple hundred thousand dollars, and it will feel real special,” Sasha said with a snicker.
Emily’s jaw dropped.
“A couple hundred thousand dollars?” she asked faintly.
“Yeah. I mean, you can’t expect that, but that’s what my friend Lacey got.” Sasha shrugged. “This particular auction guarantees at least fifty thousand because you have to be willing to do more than just sex. The clients are all vetted, and they’re not allowed to do anything that would cause permanent marks or harm you or anything. Lacey got tied up and spanked, did some oral, then got fucked for the first time and earned a couple hundred thousand. One night and all that money. I wanted to sign up, but my boyfriend said no.” She sighed.
“You’re a virgin?” Emily blinked, not sure whether she was more surprised by that or hearing that Sasha had a boyfriend who was apparently okay with stripping but not with selling her virginity. Though… they were two very different things when she took a moment to think about it.
Sasha laughed so hard, she bent over.
Emily blushed. Not a virgin, then. She’d misunderstood.
“No, no,” Sasha wiped tears away from her eyes as she straightened. Behind her, Penny and the black girl were laughing, too, not bothering to hide their mirth. “Oh God, that’s the funniest thing I’ve heard all day. I’m not a virgin, but the auction is for selling fantasies. Whatever you want. I figured someone’s gotta have a fantasy about fucking a stripper, and I could make some money. Virgins tend to get the best prices, though, since that’s something you can only do once. I probably wouldn’t get more than a hundred thousand, but that would be worth it for one night.” She sighed.
It sounded almost too good to be true. One night, one small thing and all her problems would be solved. She didn’t have anyone special to give it to anyway. Penny had been right, too—it would be easier with one man. It had to be, right?
It’s Time
Leaning against the grave, Damian sighed and patted the ground where Anita lay. It had been close to twenty years, and he still missed her. The purple tulips he’d laid on the headstone were her favorite, and he tried to make it by at least a couple times a month to replace them. In the beginning, he’d come by almost every day, then it had become every week, and now it was a couple times a month. Sometimes, only once a month.
“Sorry, baby,” he murmured. “It’s not that I don’t want to see you. It’s just… life.”
He could almost hear her laugh in his head, see her flashing brown eyes as she grinned at him. Anita had always been the easygoing one, the one who flowed with what was happening around them. She would have told him not to worry because it wasn’t like it made a difference to her whether or not he visited. When they got the cancer diagnosis, she’d been the one to tell him she wanted him to move on and find happiness.
You’ll get to have two wives in heaven. Maybe I’ll see if I can find a second husband up there, too. That way, we both have to share.
“It’s time, Anita. You’d probably tell me it was past time. I’m going to finally get out there and try to find… something. I don’t know if it’ll be a second wife, but I know you’d be pissed as hell at me for putting aside my own wants and needs for so long.” He ran his fingers through the grass, his chest aching as he spoke. He knew it was all in his head, but he often felt as though she was really listening when he did this. Like wherever she was, she could hear him.
“I just wanted to raise Katrina right. I’m pretty sure you’d have told me I could do that and have a dating life, but I wasn’t so sure. But she’s all grown up now. You’d be so proud.”