Page 18 of Fairy Godmen
He raised an eyebrow at her before bending to pick it up.
“What do you want?” She demanded. Her heart was still galloping as she fought to slow her panting breath. Angelina wondered how much he overheard. She needed to be more careful if he was lurking around.
Ben watched her. Her chest heaved, and her small breasts bounced under the thin cotton of her shirt. He was stunned by her the other night. Standing in the sunshine coming through the window this morning with her face flushed, Angelina took his breath away. The woman needed a protector, and he was just the man for the job. The lawyer wouldn’t be an issue for long. Ben would make sure of it. She needed someone with skills to watch over her, and it wasn’t the guy at dinner.
Ben got tired of tossing and turning last night. He was surprised to find Quinn on the front porch when he silently slipped outside. It didn’t take long for their conversation to turn toward Angelina. Neither one knew where she was. Quinn wasn’t happy with the boyfriend either.
Ben tried to hide his annoyance from the man, but Quinn saw right through it. It was no shocker her father noticed how Ben watched her. He couldn’t hide his reaction. The perfect woman was having dinner with another man. It drove him crazy. Reigning it in took every tool the Army taught him.
Whatever Angelina had was uniquely hers. It called to him, demanded he take notice. Tossing her over his shoulder and carting her off while informing her she was his would get him shown the front door in a pair of silver bracelets. He needed to bide his time until he convinced her she belonged to him. Keeping her close and getting rid of the lawyer were moved to number one on his list of priorities.
Ben didn’t mean to listen to her conversation. He wasn’t opposed to it. Anything it took to keep her safe and close to him was justifiable. It just happened to be a happy accident this morning.
His plan started with dinner. Putting it into motion, he came to ask how long she was working today. All that went out the window when he heard her on the phone. Jake sent her to another man’s house last night alone. It didn’t matter if it was a work thing or not. Men don’t send the person they care about the most to a strange house alone. As small as Angelina is, anything could have happened to her.
“Quinn know you went to a strange man’s house last night?”
“I am well beyond the stage of letting my father know where I am going every time I leave the house,” Angelina rolled her eyes.
Ben crooked his head in challenge.
“Was there something you wanted? Did Dad need something?”
“Where was the lawyer?”
“At work,” Angelina lied, turning back to her computer.
Lordy, he looked good. How could a simple t-shirt look that good? How did plain old cotton stretch that far? Miracle cotton. There was no other explanation.
“Isn’t much of a man,” Ben shrugged.
“Not any of your business.”
If you ignore it, it will go away.
Yep. Ignore the sexy overbearing man. He will go away.
It will work.
Focus and achieve.
See it and believe it.
Set your mind to it and make it a reality.
Nope. She wasn’t going to climb him like a tree.
No. She was not going to lick him.
There was no way she would acknowledge that Army Ken was the hottest man she had ever seen or that he got her dormant libido running in a blink of an eye. Her panties weren’t wet from his voice doing that deep growl thing.
She didn’t like him.
Focus and achieve.
“It is my business.”
Angelina laughed. “You keep telling yourself that.”