Page 25 of Fairy Godmen
“What about your mom?” Angelina whispered.
“My mom is going to love you. We told her all about you, and she chewed my ass out,” Jake smiled. “Told us we were being selfish to keep you all to ourselves, and it would bite us in the ass.”
“She bitched at him for an hour,” Max agreed. “Then she turned on me and asked me what I would do if some silly agreement stood in the way of me getting Jake. Then she went off on him for sending you to that guy’s house alone.”
“If he is the other half of you, then you owe it to yourself to see where it goes,” Jake urged.
“What about all the other mine bullshit? It has to be the fastest one-sided relationship on record.” Angelina couldn’t believe her ears. That had to be wrong, right?
“I can’t speak for you, but it is hot as hell when Max gets all worked up and territorial,” Jake fanned himself. “Nothing like it in the world. Knowing he is devoted to you and you alone is indescribable.”
“I knew Jake was mine the minute I saw him. If you are this worried about it, it isn’t all one-sided.”
“But,” Angelina stuttered.
“Remember the look that made you want to rip his clothes off with your lady laser vision?”
She nodded, looking longingly at the tequila bottle.
“Imagine that look, only he is balls deep, ripping the most unimaginable orgasms out of you,” Jake painted a picture for her.
“Wow,” she shivered.
“Exactly. I speak from experience. When Max gets all growly, I swear each time it bumps the last time out of the best sex of our lives spot.”
“Huh,” Angelina was stunned.
She couldn’t say her previous partners were lousy per se, but not all of them ended with a bang. Well, they did. She didn’t. She just assumed there was something wrong with her. She was a little on the cold side. Not a frigid bitch, but not a hot hussy. Somewhere in the middle, like a lukewarm oatmeal cookie. It was all right, but not good enough to brag about.
“I don’t give a damn about a reservation. Her car is outside. Angelina is in here. I came to get her,” Ben roared, pushing past the man who was trying unsuccessfully to stop him.
“Guess we will go with option three,” Jake watched as Ben closed the distance between them.
Angelina’s face flushed with more than alcohol as she tried not to fidget in her seat. He came to get her. Ben was making a scene in the middle of the bar. Why did he have to look so edible? May as well order those letters in every color. She was going to need them.
“Shorty, you forget where the dining room table is?” Ben growled at her as he glared at Jake and Max.
“Wow,” Angelina licked her lips as she crossed her legs, squeezing her thighs together. Her mouth watered. He was mad. Mad looked incredible on him. Unclenching her thighs, she crossed her legs the other way, hoping the move was subtle. She could get the H for hussy because lukewarm was nowhere in this man’s vocabulary.
“Why does he have to be so hot? It’s not the tequila, right?”
Ben looked closer. Her skin was flushed, and her speech was slow. The way she was wiggling in her chair, she either had to use the bathroom or she was turned on. She fidgeted, clenching her thighs. He almost lost it. He would bet his entire bank account she was wet. She wanted him. Her eyes tried hard to focus on him, but it was useless.
“You got her drunk.”
The rage was unmistakable as his voice dropped to barely above a whisper.
“My panties are wet,” Angelina blurted out.
Jake and Max snickered.
“You are welcome to pull up a chair and stay,” Max offered.
“If you think I would let my drunk woman sit next to you, you are out of your God damn mind. This is your one and only warning. Angelina is no longer your girlfriend. Cross me, and I will make you disappear. Jesus Christ. I need to find a lot of hiding spots for all the men this woman attracts.”
Ben glared at Max and then Jake. The urge to drive his point home with his fists was overwhelming. The bar quieted. Everyone was staring at them. Rearranging the lawyer’s face would likely land him a night or two in jail. It was a night or two too many away from Angelina.
“I got it,” Angelina laughed as she knocked back another shot. “J. It has to be a J. Come on,” she giggled. “Who wouldn’t want to be Jezebel?”