Page 49 of Fairy Godmen
It was almost too easy. He might be three times her size, but the big man was about to get taken down.
“I want to be naked. I want to drop to my knees and crawl across the floor to you. I’ll sit pretty until you tell me I can take out that big hard dick of yours. Then I will lick around the head while it drips from how much you want me.”
Her hot breath whispering to him had his zipper biting painfully into his erection. Ben moaned as her tongue flicked the lobe of his ear.
“After I’m done licking, I will take it in my mouth and swirl my tongue around it as I suck.”
“Angelina,” Ben panted. His hands fisted around her hips, bouncing her on his aching length.
“I know it is going to be a mouthful. I will have to use my hands and my mouth. I can’t wait for you to wrap your hands in my hair as you use my mouth. I have to warn you,” she paused, sinking her teeth into his neck and sucking hard. “I love to have a big hard dick in my mouth. I love to take it as deep as I can and swallow around that big head.”
Ben shuttered. The little hellion in his arms had him ready to blow.
“I can never decide if I want to swallow down every last drop or if I want you to paint my breasts. Something about it on my skin, marking me, makes me so hot.”
That was it. He couldn’t hold back anymore. Holding her against him, he thrust up and let go. His woman had a dirty mouth. He loved how she wasn’t afraid to use it. Ben had no idea if a woman had ever gotten him to come in his jeans by talking dirty to him. He couldn’t remember doing that as a teen.
Angelina hid her grin as he slid down the wall until his ass hit the floor. She stayed in his arms, savoring the victory smack she was about to hand his dumbass. When his arms relaxed around her, she stood.
“And those are the things you can dream about because my mouth is not going anywhere near your cock until you understand this is a give-and-take situation. Newsflash. This is not a dictatorship. If that is what you want, thanks for the O. It is the last time you will get anywhere near my pussy. Hope you enjoyed it as much as I did.”
She sailed out of the kitchen while Ben sat on the floor wearing a goofy grin.
Damn, she was something. Tiny but fierce. He just came, but he wanted her again. Watching her shoot fire at him got his blood pumping like nothing else. He had to pick his ass off the floor. He needed clean pants and a better plan. If his little badass wanted to throw her sass at him thinking she could lead him around like a purse dog, she had another thing coming. A smile lit his face as he started up the stairs. It was game on after he got a shower and clean clothes. He hoped she was ready.
Chapter 14
Jake: Good morning, sweetness. I miss your pretty face. Max is worried you aren’t eating. Come out with us.
Angelina had been staring at her computer for hours. Nothing changed. The screen was the same. It wasn’t that she didn’t have work to do. Lord knew there was never a shortage of that. She couldn’t concentrate. The images meant nothing. Deadlines were quickly approaching. She would miss those deadlines if she didn’t get her ass in gear and her mind focused. All right, it might not be as bad as all that, but nothing was getting done this morning.
It was all his fault. The man invaded her thoughts and stole her concentration. She couldn’t seem to push him out. Whenever she thought of him, she could feel his hands on her. She couldn’t block out all the things he made her feel. She had to get over it or find a way to use it to her advantage. After this morning, they were locked in a battle of wills.
He was a problem. Her brain picked problems apart until solutions were clear. So far, there has been no clear solution. At this point, she would take a partial solution clouded with unknowns. The stickler was a ten wanted a five. It wasn’t unheard of; however, it was winning the lotto rare. This was not the five-dollar or another ticket win. It was a Midas-sized jackpot. I own my own country rarity.
He cooked her breakfast this morning, remembered how she took her coffee, and offered to wash her back in the shower. The man had balls enough to compliment her on the dress she chose after asking why she didn’t want to see if her jeans were dry yet. He was in full-on pursuit mode.
Angelina had no idea what to do with him. She dated meek guys. A man she could have a nice conversation with and, if she was lucky, scratch an itch at the end of the night. She was always gone before morning. No one came home with her. There were no repeats. Ever. She had rules. A lot of good those rules were doing her. Ben blew through every one of them without a second thought.
Angelina: Did you take care of the contract?
Jake: I sent a termination of services from myself and a letter declining his propositions and requested no further contact on your behalf.
Angelina: You didn’t have to terminate him as a client. That is a little harsh, isn’t it?
Jake: Would you want to sit in arbitration trying to come to terms over how much he is willing to pay to let his freak flag fly?
Angelina: Going to be a hard pass from me
Jake: Lunch?
Jake: Dinner and dancing?
Jake: Drinks at the bar?
Jake: Max misses you too.