Page 65 of Fairy Godmen
“I can wait for you,” Angelina stuttered. Yeah, the potty placeholder system would be awesome right about now. By the time she got back, the line would be even longer.
“Nonsense,” Rocko insisted. “You will use the staff restroom while Jake and I have a few words in my office.”
An in with the owner was better than a pager. Angelina didn’t stop to argue. Not a lot of her dress would get wet if she waited much longer, but there was no need to ruin her favorite shoes.
“Thank you,” she mumbled as she hurried through the door Rocko gestured toward.
The door led to another hallway. At the end of the hall were three doors. One was marked as the exit. The other two said nothing. There were no windows in the dark area, only a tiny strip of lights along the floor to guide the way.
Angelina knocked on the first door. When no response came, she tried the handle. It didn’t budge. With one door left before it was too late, she hurriedly knocked on the second door. She waited a second before trying the handle. When the knob turned, she hurried inside.
Behind the heavy door were two empty stalls. They were nothing special, just an ordinary run-of-the-mill potty, but Angelina wanted to cry with relief.
“Who the hell doesn’t put signs on the doors?” She fumed as she hurried to the first stall.
Tugging up her dress, Angelina’s cheeks hit the seat as the door swung open. Footsteps and hushed voices filled the room. Unconcerned, Angelina finished her business and was about to flush when the woman let out a throaty moan. Her eyes flew wide when she heard fabric rustling. From the gruff sounds, they were hurrying to take care of business. Whoever it was didn’t bother to check the stalls. They had no clue they weren’t alone.
Angelina was struck with indecision. Should she make a noise? Maybe it wasn’t what she thought. It was her overactive imagination. They were withdrawal symptoms after Army Ken gave her life-shattering orgasms and hit the road.
Only one way to settle this. Angelina cautiously peeked through the slit in the door. Holding her breath, she watched as the waitress from the VIP lounge lapped at the erection of the older gentleman who stood above her. The waitress smiled when he ordered her to suck. She hummed, and a game of swallowing the sausage was on.
There was no way she was stepping one foot outside the stall. Angelina came up with nothing when she patted her sides for her phone. Max had her purse. Her phone was in her purse because there was nowhere to hide it in her dress. She couldn’t call Jake or Max to rescue her. She was stuck.
“Please,” the waitress begged.
A sense of dread settled over Angelina. There were no windows to climb out. The only way out was through the door. Unless she waltzed right out of the stall, there was no other option but to wait until they were done.
“Time to confess your sins while I punish you.”
“Please, padre. I have been bad. I need you to punish me.”
Angelina almost laughed. He made her call him padre. Everyone had their kink, but that was a new one.
“I’m sorry. I will try harder.”
The sound of ripping clothing and frantic movement filled the bathroom. Moaned confessions of sins mixed with pleading for mercy. The sound of skin slapping skin blew her mind.
Who had bathroom sex in a club anymore?
The same people who didn’t check to make sure there was no one else in the bathroom before they unzipped the robe and absolved their sins.
If there was a bright side to this, at least she got to go before kinky confessional time started. She wondered how long it would be before Jake or Max came looking for her. Sneaking a quick look to see if they were about done, Angelina’s eyes were drawn to the mirror. The man looked familiar. It was hard to tell with his head bent and his eyes focused on the waitress’s ass, but she knew she recognized him from somewhere.
Angelina held her breath. It was about to get awkward if he was one of her clients. It would probably be for the best if she stayed hidden until they left. No need to relive this moment every time she saw him.
One loud rap on the door broke up the absolution of sins against the sink. The waitress and her padre scrambled into the stall beside her.
“I thought you said you were on break,” padre accused.
“I am. I don’t have to be back for another ten minutes.”
The door shook again. Louder this time.
“Sweetness, are you in there?” Jake yelled.
“I am going in to get her,” Max fumed.
“Just give it a minute.”