Page 72 of Fairy Godmen
Angelina: Interesting.
Jake: I will see what I can pry out of him.
Max: Do you have food in your house to feed him?
Angelina: Yes.
Max: Something good that isn’t filled with processed fillers and preservatives?
Angelina: Yes, Dad. I will make sure Ben gets fed.
Jake: My man is so cute like that.
Angelina: Better watch out. Your girlfriend might get jealous.
Jake: I will take her panty shopping and tell her she is pretty.
Angelina rolled her eyes. If only that could be the fix for everything.
Jake: Text me later.
Putting down the phone, she poured herself a cup of coffee on the way to the refrigerator to consider their breakfast options. She had the basics. A quick rummage through the freezer produced a box of waffles. It might not be a Max breakfast, but it was food. Scramble a few eggs, and voila, breakfast is served. Moving some things around, she found bacon. Waffles, bacon, eggs, and coffee. Breakfast of champions.
Refilling her mug, Angelina sat debating what to do. Should she wake him up? Anyone could see Ben had been through a lot since he left. The man needed to sleep. She could get some work done before he woke up. A few hours would allow her the time to pull herself together. She would feed him, give him the opportunity to tell her where he was, and then introduce him to the child in the picture before she showed him the front door. Settled on a plan, she picked up her cup and got ready for work.
Angelina let out a startled scream when she entered the living room. A man stood by the door casually watching her. He was big and intimidating. The need to run or fight pulsed through her. The only weapon she could reach before he did was the one in her hand. It wouldn’t be much of a fight, more like a hit-and-run like hell. The coffee mug toss and dash wasn’t the greatest plan, but it was the best she had at the moment. If she kept weaponizing them, she would need more coffee mugs soon.
The intruder must have sensed her panic. He cautiously stepped toward her. Angelina forced her feet to stay rooted to the floor until he was close enough for her idea to work. She launched her coffee at his head when he was an arm’s length away. A disgruntled grunt interrupted the silence as she sprinted toward the kitchen door.
The mug crashed to the floor as Ben called her name. The sound of feet moving and muted curses gave Angelina little comfort when the man lunged after her. She could feel how close he was. The kitchen door was too far away. She wasn’t going to make it before he caught her. Her hand reached for the doorknob when he grabbed her arm and yanked her against his body.
She had to fight. Fight until Ben got to her. Angelina let her body go limp, hoping the arm banded around her would slacken. When it didn’t, she thrashed wildly, kicking, scratching, and biting at any part of him she could reach. The intruder’s arm held her tight to his chest. He had her almost subdued when his chuckle penetrated her cloud of apprehension.
“Oh no, you don’t,” she cried, renewing her efforts.
One good kick landed on his knee. Cussing like crazy, the man bent over with his arms locked around her. Angelina reared her head back. The pain exploding in her head was nothing compared to the satisfying crunch of the face behind her. His arms held her, refusing to let go as her breathing became restricted.
“Let me go,” she choked out, kicking and clawing.
“Let me go.”
Angelina fought harder.
The intruder drug her into the middle of the kitchen. She couldn’t let him win. Her free hand went to his side. Grabbing whatever skin she could reach, Angelina sunk her nails in, twisting with all her might. The howl of pain behind her was satisfying, but the hold didn’t slacken. She wasn’t going to let go until he did. Kicking harder and screaming louder, she managed to land a few more blows.
The hands that held her tight enough to bruise were ripped away. She sank to the floor, gulping for air. Angelina forced herself to move. She crawled under the island as the sound of a fist met flesh. If she could make it to the other side, she could run to the front door.
“Jesus, Banger. You told me to keep her in the house. Did you know she was a tiny kitten version of Boss Man?”
“I also told you not to touch her,” Ben roared.
“Sit down before you fall.”
Angelina shivered and stopped. Ben was back, and he brought a friend. Great. Wonderful. Amazing. There was nothing like running a bed and breakfast for people who broke into your home in the middle of the night and attacked you in the morning.
“Serves your dumb ass right. Now, I have to fix your mess on top of what I already fucked up.”