Page 78 of Fairy Godmen
“You don’t need to know,” Ben growled.
Her hand gripped him tighter, stroking him from root to tip.
“Where were you?”
“One more question, and I am licking that pussy.”
“I suppose I will have to find a way to make you forget.”
“Good luck with that.”
Angelina sank to her knees in front of him. Ben’s eyes were fixed on her as his chest billowed and his hand gripped the edge of the counter. Her tongue stroked across his head, and Ben hissed out a breath.
“Are you hurt? Is your chest okay?”
“Angelina, I am going to die if you stop.”
“Can’t have that.”
She licked from the base to the tip, flicking her tongue at the top over his slit. Leaning forward, she took his head in her mouth, sucking hard. She moaned as his flavor coated her tongue. She didn’t stop until he was at the back of her throat and her nose pressed against his stomach. Hollowing her cheeks, Angelina slowly withdrew.
The sound of Ben’s groan told her she had him right where she wanted him. The urge to toy with him was quickly overtaken by need. She needed him, needed the connection, the reassurance he was alive and here with her.
Ben lurched to his feet as his pants hit the floor. His hands wound into her hair and tugged. Angelina cried out her pleasure. The vibration around his cock pushed him past his ability for restraint. He hit the back of her throat when his hips pushed forward. His woman hummed and sucked harder. Damn, she was going to make him come too fast.
Angelina’s nipples pebbled, and a shot of lust had her pulse racing as he slid into her mouth. Trailing the tips of her fingers up his thighs, she teased with barely-there touches and whispers of worship.
“Shorty, love, you are going to make me come if you keep that up,” Ben grunted.
“Want me to stop?” Angelina leaned back, releasing him from her mouth.
“Fuck no.”
With a smirk and one long lick, she took him to the back of her throat and swallowed. Palming his sack, Angelina rolled them in her hand before she gave a little tug.
“Angelina,” Ben rasped. His restraint snapped. He fisted his hands in her beautiful curly locks and gave one more thrust before he exploded.
It was a heady feeling driving a man like Ben over the edge. Angelina reveled in that feeling as she swallowed down his release. Lapping at his length until his hips stilled, his big body shook, and his ass landed back on the stool with a thud.
“Love, you get any better at that, and you won’t have to worry about Colombians killing me. Your sexy mouth will do it before one of those bastards can.”
Angelina was stunned. Sam was right. Slobbering on the knob loosened the lips.
Chapter 22
Three days. Three whole days of lingering touches and whispered words of seduction left her breathless and helplessly drawn to him. The air changed when he walked into the room. It tingled with an awareness that drove her closer and closer to losing her mind. Her body wanted to ride him until they both felt better or combusted. It was a fifty-fifty shot on which one happened first. The stitches in his head and the bruises on his body served as a reminder why they needed to keep their hands to themselves. Instead of ripping their clothes off and fucking like it was their sole responsibility to keep the human race alive, she kept her distance.
Angelina did manage to get some work done. Cort’s house of many wives was finished after another round of changes. At the last minute, he added a mother-in-law suite for each wife. Smart man. It would be well worth the extra money he spent now to ward off arguments later. She started on a summer cottage for a new client. An email from Mack and Gary asked for an update on her love life. A few minor changes were listed at the bottom. She made the changes and ignored the update request. It wasn’t time to declare a winner. If they both combusted, there would be no winner.
She should be working today. Ben took the tractor somewhere, and Rat disappeared with Ben’s truck. She didn’t ask where he went. Ben didn’t offer any details. If he had, she wouldn’t have understood them. Focusing on his mouth made her want to feel it on her. Her brain cells were dying at an alarming rate or being refocused between her legs. Logically, she knew they should wait until he was healed. Logic was getting harder and harder to hear.
Angelina sat in front of her computer, staring at it. She couldn’t concentrate. All she could think about was Ben’s hands on her, his mouth on hers, and the way her heart raced when they were together. Before she could get to the coffee pot this morning, Ben had her pressed against the island. He kissed her until she couldn’t remember why holding off was a good idea. Thankfully, Drake stumbled to the coffee pot and broke the spell Ben put on her.
He was relentless. Tweaking her nipples with his big rough hands, caressing any part of her he could reach. Nibbling on her neck, whispering dirty things in her ear, and seducing her mouth with his talented tongue, he did it all. He did it well. Angelina went to sleep on her side of the bed. She woke up on top of him with his morning wood gliding through her wet folds. Even regular, everyday things were somehow erotic. She didn’t have the strength to go near the laundry room.
She wanted to tackle him. Tackle him to the ground. Riding that impressive erection seemed like a practical thing to do. It would solve her concentration problems and allow her to work. So, she was half his size. It didn’t mean she couldn’t do it. She just had to try hard. Right now, she could tackle anyone who got in her way if it meant she could get some relief.
“Think of something else,” she admonished herself. “Anything else.”