Page 8 of Fairy Godmen
“Yes. It is one of the many, many things I love about him. It also doesn’t help that you were working when you were supposed to be ready to go out when we got here. My man doesn’t get many nights off. Our time together is important.”
“Sorry,” Angelina cringed. “We can order some takeout. The pizza place delivers.”
“Not another word out of that blasphemous mouth,” Max glared at her.
“Oh, now you did it,” Jake chuckled. “Max, you have to give the poor thing a break. She has no idea the sin she committed.”
“One pass.”
“Okay,” Angelina nodded. “Take-out pizza is bad. I won’t bring it up again.”
“It is premade cardboard crap,” Max told her as Jake groaned. “Do you know what is in there? That so-called cheese is one chemical compound away from being plastic. The grease. The damn grease is enough to cause the delivery guy to have a heart attack. Do you know if the tomatoes were chemically peeled? Do you know what is in the pepperoni?”
“A little warning next time would be great,” she glared at Jake.
“My apologies,” Jake sighed. “Max is a foodie. He has to know everything about everything. My love researches food stuff until his eyes cross. Our internet browser history is nothing but food-related searches.”
“Whose restaurant is the best one in the county?” Max demanded.
“Yours,” Angelina and Jake replied.
“That’s right. Fuck with me all you want, but I can’t stand that mass-produced bullshit.”
“Before he goes into mass food production and processing problems, you, my lovely lady, need to get in the shower.”
“I just went grocery shopping. I don’t cook very often, but if you want, you can look through the kitchen to see if there is anything you want to have for dinner. If not, I will be ready in twenty minutes.”
“Brave woman,” Jake said. “Are you sure you want to let Max loose in your kitchen?”
“I remodeled it last year. It has top-of-the-line appliances. There are pots and pans of all kinds. Knock yourself out. If you cook, I will do the dishes.”
“You have just found the way to Max’s heart,” Jake grinned, pulling her out of her chair.
“Too bad he already has a man.”
“Speaking of that, my sweetness.” Jake pulled her down the stairs as Max switched off the lights behind them.
“Yes, my wannabe boy toy.”
Max snickered behind them.
“I have the perfect man for you.”
“Oh really? And where did you find my perfect man?”
“He came into the office yesterday. He is from a prominent family. Money isn’t an issue. He still has all his hair and has never been to jail. His mother does live with him, but they live in a mansion that could pass for a small city. I doubt they even talk on a daily basis.”
“Okay, so he is a rich guy that lives with his mother.”
“Do I get a name? Picture? Anything?”
“You get a date with him at his place tomorrow night.”
“What?” Angelina cried. “You want me to go to his house?”
“I believe it is considered an estate after so many square feet,” Jake joked.