Page 89 of Fairy Godmen
“Angelina, my love,” Ben turned her until she straddled his lap. Taking her face in his hands, he stroked her temples until she melted into his touch. He knew this was going to be a lot to take in. His woman was strong. He had no doubt she could handle whatever they threw at her.
“It was the perfect solution for the problem. Jenna would suck a cock for cash. She would do whatever she could to secure her next meal ticket. When you told me she showed up here looking for me, I knew she was between men. Daniel, with his padre kink and deep pockets, was the perfect person to sic her on. If they did something illegal, who are we to stop the police from doing their jobs?”
“Wow,” Angelina breathed.
“No one threatens my woman and gets away with it.”
“What about Sam?” She twisted enough to see Jake. “How is your mom? Do we need to go see her?”
“Mom was opening a bottle of the good champagne when I called,” Max smiled.
“She has a meeting with a divorce attorney tomorrow morning. Since his ass-holiness was arrested for prostitution, drug whatever, and other things yet to be determined, the dumbass instructed his personal lawyer to put his assets in her name to limit his losses. He thinks he will have a comfortable life when this misunderstanding is cleared up. He has no idea she is planning to serve him with papers as soon as everything is in her name,” Jake howled.
“He is going to be incarcerated for a long time. With the list of charges coming, my best guess would be the rest of his life for a man his age.”
“What else is coming?” She twisted back to Ben.
“The news lady said there were more coming.”
The innocent look on his face was lost on Angelina. The man she was sitting on orchestrated the debacle splashed across the TV. All because of some threats and a few dozen people on the lawn.
“Nothing is going to hurt you while I am still breathing.”
“Awe, look at the two of you,” Jake gushed.
“Army Ken and vicious kitten Barbie,” Rat smirked as he let himself in the door with Quinn following close behind. “Your kids will hold hostage takeovers instead of play dates.”
“Everything good?” Ben asked, not taking his eyes off Angelina.
“Tied up in a bow,” Quinn chuckled. “If only they were all that easy.”
Rat plopped down on the couch beside Ben, and Quinn headed for the kitchen.
“I dropped the coffee pot on the floor,” Angelina called.
“See that baby girl,” he grumbled. “As long as the Cheez Whiz is safe, I don’t care what you break. What are the chances we could get more of that pasta with the cheese in it? That was good.”
“Fucking chemical shitstorm should be banned from human consumption,” Max groaned.
Angelina bit her lip to hold back a laugh.
“Love of my life, he helped take care of my dad. If he wants you to make Cheez Whiz pasta, you will. I’ll make it up to you at home.”
“I want the thing with your tongue, and I want it in the shower.”
“Done and done.”
“What is in the water here?” Drake marveled, watching Jake charm Max. “Kitten, do you have any friends?”
“Only my fairy godmen. Sorry, they aren’t looking for any jelly on their toast.”
“Lucky bastards,” Rat huffed. “How about you, kitten? Ever wanted to be in the middle of a meat sandwich?”
“You will die. Slowly,” Ben growled, hauling Angelina away from Drake. “I haven’t forgotten you bruised her. I’m just waiting for the right time.”
Ben carted her into the kitchen, where Quinn had half the refrigerator on the counter. He dropped a quick kiss on her lips as he sat her on a stool. The coffee mess was cleaned, but it looked like an entirely different mess about to take over her kitchen.
He wanted Angelina by herself. With a house full of people, it would be a while before that happened. The smile that crossed her face as she teased her father, Ben tucked away in his heart to pull out on the days he couldn’t see it for himself.