Page 94 of Fairy Godmen
“Slow down. We are not headed into battle.”
Angelina tugged his hand when she couldn’t keep up. It might have been because she was checking out his ass in those pants, but she wasn’t about to admit that right now. Ben looked drool-worthy in his black button-down with black dress pants. Her smile grew when the ladies who worked in the courthouse eyed them as they walked past. Yeah, her man looked good.
“Sorry, Shorty.”
“Ben, I’m not going anywhere. I’m not going to change my mind.”
“All these women eye fucking me makes me nervous. Damn. It’s like vultures circling their prey.”
Angelina laughed. The tinkling sound echoed off the walls.
“Something funny, wife?”
Angelina looked around. Every man in the group wore the same painful expression. It only made her laugh harder.
“You’re all afraid of the ladies who work here. You face down bad guys with guns, but you are practically running to get away from women looking over the goods.”
“Back to work, ladies,” Sam cleared her throat loudly. “Nothing to see here. Those two are getting married. Those two are gay and happily engaged. The other two are with me.” Linking one arm through Quinn’s and the other through Drake’s, Sam sauntered down the hall as if nothing out of the ordinary had just happened.
Angelina snuggled close to Ben. “Are you happy now? Sam scared away the mean ladies eye fucking you.”
“It doesn’t bother you?”
“Are you hard? Thinking about trading me in?”
“Hell no. My dick is shriveled so bad I think it might be an inch shorter permanently.”
“Poor baby,” she laughed, patting his chest.
“We’ll see how well you like it when you miss that extra inch,” Ben grumbled but followed behind the group.
“You have nine others that are perfect,” she said. “Want to know why those women don’t bother me?”
“You are blinded by the love you have for me. Shorty, you are so enamored by me that the thought of another woman catching my eye has never entered your mind.”
“You came back bruised, bloodied, and stitched back together. The first place you wanted to be was with me. I have no reason to be jealous because out of all the women in the world, you picked me.”
“Angelina, love,” Ben paused by the door of the judge’s chambers. “With you is the only place I ever want to be.”
Angelina stood on her tiptoes to place a quick kiss on his lips.
“Let’s get married.”
Walking into the room, she was smiling so big her cheeks were beginning to hurt. Taking a quick head count, she was surprised to find Gary and Mack seated beside Jake and Max.
“Hope you don’t mind,” Gary said when he saw her walking in. “We figured we could kill two birds with one stone. I had to make sure I won the bet. The cash is a wedding gift, by the way. We were headed out this way to look at another property after Mack buys lunch.”
“I’m buying lunch, but you are going to crack open that checkbook for the next property,” Mack countered. “We wish you both the best and all the happiness in the world.”
“You can name the first kid after me if you feel extra grateful,” Gary winked at her.
“Five hundred says she is pregnant by Christmas,” Mack told his brother.
“He’s not going to wait that long,” Gary rolled his eyes. “Have you not learned anything from me? If she isn’t in the family way now, she will be before Halloween.”
“Here, hold this for us.” Mack thrust money into Jake’s hands.
“If everyone is ready,” the judge interrupted.