Page 16 of The Warren Effect
“Oh, that is so wrong,” Rose wrinkled her nose. “Are you telling me you would be okay if some random woman snatched your whitey-tighties?”
“Nothing to snatch.”
“More than I ever needed to know, Bunny,” Rose waved her hands at him. “Your sweaty ball sack in your business.”
“All clear, Prez,” Vulture said, rolling her suitcases through the door. “We took the bats and balls. The rest was normal chick shit.”
“Hey, you can’t take my stuff. What am I supposed to do to amuse myself? I go to the batting cage at least once a week.”
“Did you see a batting cage?”
“It doesn’t have to have a net. I can hit a ball and go get it.”
“Not the baseballs I’m concerned about, Thorn.”
“Buzzkill,” she grumbled.
“Be at the bar in five.”
“Can we do fifteen so I can shower?”
“Ten and not one second later, or else I will send Ladybug to come get your ass.”
“Ten is reasonable,” Rose nodded.
Chapter 5
Rose raced out the door, barely getting it locked behind her as she ran toward the bar. Ten minutes to shower and find clothes after Ladybug and Birdy trashed her suitcases was asking a lot. Grabbing the first pair of jeans she came to and a shirt was the best she could manage until she had time to organize her clothes.
She remembered to wear the cut but forgot her phone. It wasn’t as if she was waiting for a call. The only number she had was Lucas’, and she could text him later. There was nothing she could do about her wet hair. Blowing dry hair that reached the middle of her back took longer than the ten minutes she was given. A braid would have to do.
Rose slid to a stop beside the bar. A woman was absently scrolling on her phone with her feet propped up on the glossy wooden top. The stools were crowded with men drinking and laughing. No one seemed to notice her. Rose wasn’t sure if that was a good thing or not.
“You had forty-five more seconds.”
Please let her not be like Tanya.
Rose wanted to fall to her knees and beg whoever was supposed to be listening upstairs. At least this one had clothes on. Her long brown hair had teal strands woven throughout. The first thing that struck her was the woman had kind eyes. The chocolate orbs glowed with happiness. Her shirt was stretched across her chest with cleavage on display but not a nipple in sight. The tight jeans and heeled boots showed off long toned legs.
“Well, let me just go touch up my mascara,” Rose chuckled. “Where is Tank?”
“I sent him to wash Tanya’s titty sparkles off him. Idiot,” she rolled her eyes. “I’m Franny, his ol’ lady.”
“Rose.” She held out her hand. “The new bar bitch.”
“Nice to meet you, Rose.” Franny shook her hand. “No chance you can cook?”
“I can order a mean buffet from a takeout menu.”
“Me too,” she laughed. “Unfortunately, I had to fire the last cook when the guys were on the road, so we have to split those duties until I can find another one.”
“No chance one of them has skills in the kitchen?” Rose nodded toward the slightly clothed women dancing in the middle of the room.
“Free P isn’t allowed in the kitchen anymore. The last one got fired. Club full of hungry men, and she and her girlfriend are back there going to town. Normally, the guys get a kick out of that kind of thing, but not when they are waiting to get something to eat. The closest restaurant is an hour away, so delivery isn’t an option.”
“Nothing worse than a hangry man.”
“Bar or kitchen tonight?”