Page 2 of The Warren Effect
Rose eyed him cautiously. The man was big. Tall and broad. She would be shocked if he could walk through the front door without turning sideways. His dark hair was shaved tight to his head on the sides. The top was pulled back in a ponytail to show off the artwork tattooed on his head. He was clearly the leader of whoever her brother irritated enough to drag his beaten ass to her door with the hope of restitution.
“Come on in,” she shrugged. “The house is only mine for two more days, so there isn’t any furniture left. We may as well get this over with in the air conditioning.”
Rose watched as two men drug her brother through the front door. She was right. Mr. Big and Broad had to turn sideways and hunch a little to get inside. In another time and place, she might have found him handsome. The silver sparkles at his temples and the gray in his beard were striking. Rose had no idea tattoos of naked women could look that good decorating an arm the size of her leg.
His heavy boots tromped across the floor as she stared, taking him all in. The plain white tee stretched across his chest, but what covered it had her breath stalling in her chest. The leather cut sat proudly on his shoulders.
Her fury climbed higher when she saw the other two were wearing the same thing. Of course they were. Lucas had done it this time. Not only did he get his ass whooped by a group of bikers, he brought them to her house because whatever he had done required more than a beat down to consider it settled.
Lucas moaned when the two holding him let go. His body crumpled to the floor. Rose couldn’t bring herself to feel sorry for him when he bounced off her hardwoods. A part of her heart hardened when he curled into a ball, leaving her to deal with his mess.
“Is he going to live?”
“For now,” the leader answered.
“What did he do?”
“He owes us a debt.”
“You idiot,” Rose thundered as she stomped into the kitchen. Snatching a dishtowel off the counter, she marched back into the living room and threw it at Lucas’ head. “Quit bleeding on my floor. I don’t have time to scrub it again before I move.”
“Nice place you got here.”
“It is my soon-to-be ex-husband’s money. Don’t get your hopes up. I don’t have access to his accounts anymore. What exactly is my idiot brother’s debt?”
“Do you know who I am?”
“Listen, I don’t want to dent your ego. Not every woman gets wet panties for the guy on the motorcycle.” She pointed toward his one percent patch. “However, I am patch literate enough to know you aren’t here selling cookies. Just tell me what he did, and we can try to figure out a way to make restitution.”
“Damn, I love a mouthy woman.”
Rose turned her attention toward the men who drug her brother through the door. The man who stood drooling over her was bald with a beard that hung down to his chest. Baldy was a little taller than the other man. Handsome in his own way and his clear blue eyes said he knew it. Both men towered over her, but the man in charge dwarfed them.
Biker number two was scowling at her. His cold eyes didn’t hold the same interest as number one’s. He was by far the most ripped of the three. Rose wouldn’t be surprised if he lifted cars for fun. Dark hair curled wildly around his head, proving that not everything bent to his will. Menacing was the only way to describe him. She paused when her eyes landed on the VP patch over his name. Vulture. Nothing said Lucas needed to reevaluate his life choices like an enraged bird of prey that set his sights on her brother.
Lucas had really done it this time. Not only was the president in her empty living room, but the vice president was as well. If they didn’t kill her brother, she might just do it herself.
Rose cautiously looked them over, debating if letting them in the door was a wise choice. Jeans and t-shirts must be the unofficial uniform of the biker nation where they belonged. No shirt, cut, or pants in the world could hide the fact that these guys were the definition of eye candy. Dangerous but definitely eye candy.
Focus, Rose. Focus.
“I can’t tell you how much that makes my knees weak and my heart go pitter-patter. Is that really your road name? Cockroach?” Her eyes widened, and a giggle slipped out as she smirked at him. “Oh my God. You are Cockroach. I bet the ladies line up for team bug.”
“Find out for yourself,” Cockroach winked as he stepped toward her.
“Let’s just take him and go,” Vulture growled, dismissing her.
“Fly away, birdy,” Rose snapped before she could stop herself. “The adults are talking.”
“Stand down,” Mr. Big and Broad ordered as Vulture prowled closer.
Rose turned back toward the man that made all other men look small.
“I’m Tank, the president of the New Mexico chapter of the Scorpion Warriors.”
“Holy shit,” Rose muttered. “You brought him back to Texas from New Mexico? They have phones nowadays. We could have worked this out with a simple call.”
“No,” he chuckled. “If the little shit caused this much trouble while we were at home, I would have ended him there.”