Page 27 of The Warren Effect
“You haven’t talked to anyone? No coded texts, signals, or emails sent late at night?”
“Oh shit. I forgot. I tried to flag down a UFO last night. They locked their doors and yelled something about being a ghetto planet as they hit the gas and flew on by. Franny, what is going on?”
Franny glanced over her shoulder through the little window in the door. The bar was deserted. Almost everyone was in the meeting room. Two men stood guard at each door.
“A warehouse of ours got raided,” she whispered. “The prospect that was supposed to be watching it was found dead.”
“Oh my God,” Rose gasped. “Was anyone else hurt? Are we in danger? If so, I want my bats back, and I am taking at least one knife to my room at night.”
“Bats? You know what? I don’t want to know. We can talk about it later. The club is going on lockdown until they find whoever emptied the warehouse.”
“Are we good to put away the rest of this stuff, or should we wait for someone to check it out first?”
“Tank said the order was from him. Just to be on the safe side, maybe we should check it over first.”
Franny tapped on her phone and started slowly walking around the room.
“Not that I would ever think you are the slightest bit crazy at all, but what are you doing?”
“Checking for listening devices and cameras.”
“There is an app for that?” Rose replied, amazed. “Bunny needs to let me get that on my phone.”
“He is a little busy right now,” she laughed.
“True. I suppose I can wait.”
Rose took dry goods out of the bags and sat them on the island while Franny scanned each one. They worked in silence, waiting for news. Tension heightened with each tick of the clock. Franny put the last of it in the pantry while Rose wiped down the counter when the kitchen door swung open. Lunging for the pantry door, Rose shoved Franny inside and reached for the knife she laid on the counter-just in case. Leaning against the door, she crouched down, ready to throw.
“Thorn, what are you doing? Did you just push my ol’ lady in the pantry?”
“Jesus, Bunny.” Rose stood, letting out a deep breath before opening the door to let Franny out.
“Exactly what were you going to do with that knife?”
“She has an arm on her,” Vulture warned.
“Again,” Rose rolled her eyes. “It wasn’t my fault. Normal people do not stand in the dark waiting to scare the pee out of people.”
“I thought he was full of shit when it told me you ruined a knife this morning.”
Rose narrowed her eyes and let the blade in her hand fly. It lodged in the wall beside Tank.
“See,” Vulture said.
“You threw a knife,” Franny gasped. “At, at, at my husband.”
“I wasn’t going to hit him.”
Tank smirked. “I want you two sticking together. Everyone is on lockdown. No one leaves the property. You two have to have an escort if you leave the clubhouse. No exceptions.”
“Okay, I can see her, but why me?” Rose sputtered.
“Because I said so, Thorn In My Ass.”
“Bunny,” Rose griped.
“It could be confined to your room.”