Page 55 of The Warren Effect
“If my ass is going to go up a jean size from all your therapy, the least you can do is share the details.”
She and Franny had been escorted to the house behind the garage after the men disappeared into the meeting room. The kitchen was small. Using the table and every inch of the countertop, Rose could fill the oven a few more times before she needed to consider stopping.
Warren stocked everything she usually used and then some. The pieces of her heart didn’t seem so broken when she thought about all the things he did for her. It didn’t excuse keeping secrets. But after a few hours of flour therapy, she could see his side in a distorted kind of way.
“You know this works better if you say the words out loud,” Franny informed her.
Rose tossed a towel over the bowl and set it aside to get a coffee of her own.
Franny nodded, handing her the mug.
“Tank insatiable as ever?”
“The man has a battery that never runs down. Even when it does, it recharges a lot quicker than I do. I’m going to need a hip replacement before I turn fifty-one. But that is nothing new. Tell me about the husband.”
“Did you know they served together?”
Franny shook her head. “Tank doesn’t usually talk about it. You will never hear Vulture utter a peep. From all the times Warren was here, he never said much. I knew he had a wife, but I didn’t realize it was you.”
“Warren said they lost two guys on their last mission. They all came home and retired.”
“Makes sense why they don’t want to talk about it,” Franny said softly.
“My husband is an assassin,” Rose closed her eyes and whispered.
“And?” Franny prompted when Rose didn’t continue.
“You don’t think that is odd? I live with a man who kills people, and I had no idea.”
“It isn’t like any of the guys in there are innocent. I know what they do. Hell, I have seen some of the aftermath before the clean-up crew gets there. They right a wrong that cannot be handled by the legal system. If they make a little money on the side, so be it. What they do falls in the gray area that society doesn’t want to think about but expects to be taken care of quietly out of sight.”
“It doesn’t bother you?”
Franny chuckled. “Which one of those boys in there do you see putting on a suit and tie to go into the office every day?”
Rose laughed. She couldn’t hold it back. Tears ran down her cheeks as she fought for breath.
“Last I checked, there was no pussy on tap in the conference room or the break room.”
“Job retention rates would skyrocket,” Rose wheezed.
“Wonder how they would list that? Is it a benefit or a perk?”
Rose wiped her eyes and sat across from Franny.
“I don’t know what to do,” she admitted. “He said he distanced himself from me because someone is after him. For the past year, I guess.”
“I don’t believe for a second that the warehouse issues we’ve been having and the problems Warren has are a coincidence.”
“It would be a big coincidence,” Rose agreed.
“There is nothing you can do about that. This falls under the shit happens category. They all have the take no shit, give zero fucks mentality. Some pantywaist momma’s boy with no balls will always look at what our men do and want to be them. It is something you have to learn to take in stride.”
“You’re telling me that you are fine and dandy with being shoved in a wall whenever there is danger?”
“Tank took precautions for a reason. Let me ask you this. All those happy years you had together, do you want more? Can you honestly say you would survive if you walked away from Warren? Your heart wouldn’t be broken beyond repair, and you wouldn’t ache to fall asleep in his arms one more time.”