Page 67 of The Warren Effect
Warren turned her toward the truck and smacked her ass. “You love it.”
“It’s a good thing I do.”
Rose smiled at her husband. She did her best to ignore what was going on around them. Later, she could take time to process everything. Right now, she was going to soak up being safe and loved.
She didn’t make it two steps away from Warren when all hell broke loose. A hand yanked her hair, and she stumbled into a rigid body. Cool metal pressed into her temple, rendering her immobile.
“Rosey is coming with me,” Roach laughed.
“Yeah, Rosey. I’m right here. We are getting out of here.”
Rose fought the urge to whimper when he pressed a kiss to the base of her neck. His other arm banded around her, holding her tight to him.
“Let her go,” Warren commanded. “Even you cannot be stupid enough to think I would let you walk away with my wife. She is mine. I don’t care what Cooper told you. He is dead. There is only one way out of here. The only question is, do you want to go easy or hard?”
“Warren,” Rose fought to keep her voice steady.
“Don’t worry, Petal. It will all be over in a minute.”
“She is leaving with me,” Roach ground out. “She is my cut. I risked the most. Rose is my reward.”
“He promised you my wife to be a rat.”
“Cooper said it would be easy. A few locations and we would all have enough cash to start over anywhere we wanted after he took care of you. I changed my mind when that screw-up brother took us to her house. He wanted you and Tank. I got her. Cooper was dumb enough to get himself killed, but I’m not leaving without my share. Rose is mine.”
Rose trembled as the few club members who stayed to help clean up noticed what was happening. They gathered around them with weapons pointed at Roach. There wasn’t much they could do. She was his human shield. Panic swam through her, crushing any reasonable thoughts. It was hard to catch her breath while he held her so tight.
“Eyes on me, Petal,” Warren barked.
Rose’s eyes focused on his.
“He has you trained to obey him like a dog, sweetheart. We will change that. Once you and I are rid of them.”
Rose focused on her husband. As long as she looked at him, the drowning sensation seemed to recede. Breathing became easier knowing he was going to get her out of this.
“You were the one who sold out the rest of the club.”
“Club? This isn’t a club. It’s a joke,” he scoffed. “We weren’t making the kind of money we could have been. I had ideas to make us money, but no one wanted to hear it. Bet they wished they listened now.”
“How did you get hooked up with Cooper?”
“Oh, he told me all about you and Tank and Vulture leaving him for dead. He hated you. I mean hated you. Cooper decided to step it up when toying with you wasn’t doing it for him anymore. Make you feel some of the pain you put him through.”
“I can bleed you slowly if you don’t get on with it or make it quick if you give me my wife right now.”
“I found Cooper tailing us on a run. We were escorting a load headed to be parts when I caught sight of him. He made me an offer I couldn’t pass on.”
“Loyalty should have had you hauling his ass to the cabin,” Warren countered. The men that surrounded them nodded in agreement.
“Cabin gets me nothing.”
“Eyes, Petal,” Warren snapped.
Rose didn’t realize she had been staring at the dirt in front of her. The world faded around her. She tried to lift her gaze to him, but it was hard. Her head throbbed, and her face hurt. The sun baked down upon them. Her throat was too dry to form words.
“Son of a bitch,” Warren cursed.