Page 118 of June First
I wasn’t thinking about how he’d look dying in front of me, smashed between two vehicles as blood oozed from the corner of his mouth.
This can’t be happening.
Hands are holding me back as I try to claw my way through the human barrier, looking on helplessly.
“Theo…Theo, stop. You’re okay. Do you hear me?” I shove at the two police officers keeping me from diving into the scene, but they maintain their hold. “You’re going to be fine.”
He smiles a little.
I swear he smiles as his cheek rests against the hood of the red sedan, his eyes glossed over, fixed somewhere just beyond me.
He’s limp. Helpless.
Paramedics surround him, but he doesn’t notice.
Tears are crawling down my face, tunneling through the dried blood left by Theo only thirty minutes ago. He was full of life and hating me only thirty minutes ago, and now…now, he’s giving me his blessing.
He’s telling me goodbye.
“Take care of Peach because…no one…” He’s fading. He’s dying. He’s fucking leaving me. “No one will ever love her…like we do.”
“Theo…” A painful growl of penitence shreds me from the inside out, forcing me to my knees as the two officers loosen their grip. It’s a wretched sound that tears through the night, echoing off the wall of sadness hanging heavy in the air, and thundering back into me like a wrecking ball of regret. “Don’t do this. Please, don’t do this,” I cry. “It’s you and me. It’s always been you and me.”
“Promise me…” I can hardly hear him. His eyes are glazed, looking at nothing, as he whispers his final words. “You’ll tell him, right?”
I nod, despite the fact that I don’t want to answer him. I don’t want to give him any reason to fucking go. But I do because I have to, because it’s important, and because he needs to know on his dying breath that I will always take care of June. “I promise.”
My eyes burn with hot tears.
My whole body tremors with sickening disbelief.
“Theo…please…fucking please don’t do this…” I practically moan from my spot in the middle of the road.
I don’t think he can hear me anymore.
I don’t think he ever knew I was even here.
“There’s no Luigi without Mario,” I croak out, my voice shaking.
I think he’s gone.
I think he’s fucking gone.
“No…” My growl escalates into a desperate roar. “Don’t you dare fucking leave me!”
He’s not moving.
He’s not moving.
A woman in uniform with purple earrings appears in my line of sight, her hands extending toward me like she’s trying to calm me down. Trying to keep me down. Trying to prevent me from breaking down.
Her mouth moves, but I can’t hear her.
All I hear is a faraway voice slicing through my fog: