Page 151 of June First
June takes another step forward, her eyes glazed with more than alcohol.
I shake my head. “I’m not talking about this with you right now. Not when you’re inebriated.”
“Maybe we should. Maybe we have to.”
“Maybe. But not now.”
“But you look upset, and I hate when you’re upset. You can talk to me.”
My teeth grind together. “I’m upset because one minute you’re calling me your brother, reminding me of how wrong this is, and the next minute you’re looking at me like you want me to tear that bikini off of you and cross a line we can’t come back from.”
June slicks her tongue over her lips, inhaling a quick breath. Then she nibbles that lip, conveying innocence but looking like pure sin.
She teeters as she moves closer toward me, circling her finger around my face with a long, weary sigh. “It’s not fair.”
“What’s not fair?”
“Your face.”
I frown. “My face isn’t fair?”
“No. Not at all.”
“Why?” I almost laugh, watching as she continues her wobbly trek forward. My gaze dips south for the tiniest moment, landing on her ample cleavage, before sliding back up.
Pure sin.
June lands toe-to-toe with me, her partially dried hair cascading over bare shoulders in thick sections, the ends still wet and tickling the swell of her breasts. She sucks in a deep breath. “It’s not fair that your face is so perfect, a piece of art on display that I’m not allowed to touch. I should only adore it from afar, even though its beauty calls to me. Even though I’m convinced it was created just for me.” Her eyelashes flutter as she sways, as if she’s drunk on more than rum or whiskey, as if she’s drunk on her own words. “It’s not fair that it holds two eyes that look at me the way they do, like they were made for seeing only me. It’s not fair that it has lips that I’ve memorized, that I can’t forget, and a tongue I’ve dreamed about tasting me over and over again.” June lifts her hand, pressing the pads of two fingertips to her mouth. She adds huskily, “And not just here.”
Any trace of humor lingering in the air pulverizes into dust as raw hunger takes its place.
My molars scrape together, my cock twitching at her implication.
June’s hand extends from her mouth, planting against my chest as her eyes rove my face with bold lust. She’s never come on to me like this before, and I think that’s the only goddamn reason I haven’t turned us into something criminal.
Her innocence tames me.
Her naivety grounds me.
Her sweetness buries the rotten thoughts.
But this?
This girl has the power to unleash the hibernating beast.
She’s drunk. She’s not thinking clearly. You’ll regret this for the rest of your life.
I’m about to tell her to put some clothes on and collect her things when her hand slowly travels down my chest, over my abdomen, then grazes the swollen bulge between my legs. “I bet this isn’t fair either,” she whispers, her voice full of smoke. “I bet it would wreck me.”
Holy shit.
I audibly groan, my better judgment snapping in two as I lean down and snatch her up by the thighs, coiling her legs around my hips. She squeaks in surprise as I carry her to the nearby couch and collapse backwards with June in my lap. She falls against me while I fall further under her spell.
June continues to rub my erection, her breaths morphing into quick pants and her skin flushing pink before me. She writes a little, seeking friction, then uses her opposite hand to shove my face between her bikini-clad breasts.
Another moan pours out of me, and I’m certain I’m going to come in my pants in about five seconds.
My brain starts trying to think ahead.