Page 5 of June First
More sadness creeps into my father’s face, but he still doesn’t speak. He doesn’t comfort me like Mom would.
Right before he stands, he reaches for me, stealing away the hand that clasps my toy elephant. “One more thing, Brant,” Dad says, peering at me sprawled underneath the bed with his wild, tear-filled eyes. He chokes a little, making a sound I might never forget. It sounds like every nightmare I’ve ever had. Giving my fingers a final squeeze, my father makes that choking noise again, something like a cough, or a cry, or an awful goodbye. He pulls back and whispers through the wall of darkness, “Cover your ears.”
He jumps up, turns, and walks out of my bedroom.
I watch as his sock-covered feet move farther and farther away, and then my door closes shut.
Silence enters the room.
My heart thunders loud, my breaths coming so quick they match the beats. Bubbles comforts me the only way he can, pillowing my cheek as I lie there with my knees to my chest.
I try to remember everything my father told me. There was so much.
“When the sun comes up, dial 9-1-1.”
My fingers curl around the phone.
“Don’t go downstairs.”
Why can’t I go downstairs? I want my mom. I need her to protect me from these things I don’t understand.
I think there was one more thing…one last thing I’m supposed to do, but I can’t remember.
What was it? What was it?
Tears pour out of me, and my throat stings, my mind racing.
“One more thing, Brant…”
I can’t remember. Oh no, I can’t remember!
My bedroom floor is cold and dark, so lonely. I’m scared.
I’ve never been more scared.
As I call out for my mom, crying and shouting, my father’s final plea flashes to mind.
Oh, yeah!
Cover my—
A loud crack causes me to jump, my whole body shivering as my eyes flare wide open. I think maybe it’s just fireworks. I still hear them sometimes, right outside my window, leftover celebrations from Memorial Day. They paint the sky in pretty lights and colors, and they make me feel happy inside. They make me smile.
But I don’t feel happy right now. I’m not smiling.
I don’t think it was fireworks.
I cover my ears anyway, even though it might be too late. The heels of my hands dig into either side of my head, closing in sound, while I bury my face into the gray softness of my stuffy.
That’s where I stay for a long time.
Hours, maybe. I’m not very good at telling time, but it could be hours.
And I know I’m supposed to wait until the sun peeks over the clouds and brightens my bedroom, but my muscles are hurting. My body is stiff and achy, my neck sore. It’s getting hard to breathe under here.