Page 92 of June First
I nearly boil over.
Ten minutes later, my tires are squealing into Wyatt Nippersink’s driveway, my car parked diagonally, my door still hanging open as I fly through his front lawn and start banging on his door.
Wyatt cracks the door a few seconds later, his smirk immediate. He pulls it wider slowly, knowingly, resting his arm against the frame without a care in the world. “Howdy-ho,” he greets me through the screen. “Look what the cat dragged in. Or should I say…the kitten.”
He purrs.
My claws come out, and I yank the screen door open and shove my way inside, grabbing him by the shirt collar and throwing him up against the far wall.
Wyatt laughs, only losing his breath for a moment. “Testy. Didn’t mean to touch a nerve. What brings you by, eh?” He sneers, enjoying this far more than he should. When I don’t respond, he adds, “Kitten got your tongue?”
My grip tightens, my forearm perched along his throat.
“No, wait,” he drawls. “That was my tongue she had.”
“Fuck you. Fuck you.” I’m breaking. I’m snapping right in two, and Wyatt Nippersink is going to be the first person to feel the aftermath of my detonation. “What did you do to her?”
“Nothin’ she didn’t ask for, and certainly nothin’ she didn’t want.”
“She’s just a child. She’s barely legal, you sick fuck.”
“Legal is legal.” He sniffs, trying to shove me away, but my grip is iron. He laughs instead. “I see how you look at her, Elliott. I know exactly what you’re thinking when you stare at those pouty pink lips.” Wyatt chokes a little when I press harder, but that doesn’t stop him from spewing out more filth. “Bet you’re wishin’ it was your dick she got wet with that hot, willing mouth of hers. Mmm.”
My heart stops. My blood swims with black ice.
“She said it was her first time suckin’ cock, but I wouldn’t have had a clue. I shot my load in a quick minute. Right down her pretty little throat.”
I’m going to be sick.
I think I’m actually going to puke all over his ratty Adidas sneakers.
Stumbling back, I let him go. I let him go because I’m too afraid of what I’ll do if I don’t. My hands sweep through my hair, balling into fists. My head shakes back and forth. I’m queasy and wrecked, and I shouldn’t be any of those things, and that’s exactly why I am. “Why her?” I swallow, watching him readjust his wrinkled shirt. “Why June? She’s sweet, and good, and pure—”
“Because she’s yours.”
He says it so simply, so matter-of-factly.
Because she’s mine.
My jaw clenches. My eyes glaze over. My heart hammers with the final thwacks of bitter truth. They pound into me until my bones feel like they’re crumbling into splinters and ash. It takes everything I have to ask him in a frail, pathetic voice, “Why do you hate me so much?”
Wyatt straightens, pushing back his golden-red hair. He looks at me as if the answer is clear as day. “You fucked my sister over, so I’m going to fuck yours.”
Wendy. This is about Wendy.
I grind my teeth until they nearly chip. “We broke up. It happens. I wasn’t trying to hurt her. This isn’t the same thing.”
His fist slams against the flimsy paneled wall. “That’s where you’re wrong.” Wyatt’s voice is booming, anger altering his former unflappable expression. “She’s my fucking sister. She’s held my hand my whole life, kept me outta trouble, risked her ass to keep me safe. She’s my world, my goddamn twin, and you’ve tossed that sweet heart of hers into a meat grinder more times than I can count. Wendy is a good person, and she doesn’t deserve the pain she’s suffered at the hands of an asshole like you who could never love her right because he’s already in love with his fucking sister.”
Deadly silence blankets us.
We’re both breathing hard, violently, spitting through our teeth.
I say the only thing I can think to say: “I’ll kill you if you touch her again.”
Wyatt pauses. And it’s that heavy kind of pause, the kind when you know something sinister lurks right around the corner. I brace myself for it.
His grin curls, brimming back to life, as he says to me, “Like father, like son.”