Page 17 of Just a Taste
He angles his head and presses his body even closer.
Somewhere in the back of my mind, the rational part of my brain whispers that I’m not the one doing the kissing anymore. I’m letting him kiss me.
Which is not what’s supposed to be happening here.
His tongue brushes my bottom lip.
My fingers splay over his back. Hard muscles anchor my palm in place.
My teeth dig into his lower lip.
His eyes fly open. There’s a hazy look in them for a moment. His breaths are just small bursts of air against my lips.
He blinks.
And pulls away.
And for a short, insane moment, I want to kiss him again.
Somebody starts clapping. I snap my head away from Ryker.
“Congratulations, you two,” Ethel says. “May you have a long and happy marriage.”
Yeah, not gonna happen, lady.
“Thank you,” Ryker says, always the polite one, always the steady one.
“Yeah, thanks,” I echo.
It takes a bit more time to get all the paperwork sorted, but then we’re done and heading outside to the car.
Once there, we both stop before getting in. I look at him over the roof of the rental and take a deep breath.
“I shouldn’t have done that.” I nod toward the building behind us. “In there.”
“Done what?” he asks.
“The kiss. It was…”
Uncalled for? Unnecessary? Unwelcome? I’m really not sure how to finish that sentence.
“It’s fine. No big deal.”
He says that, but he refuses to look at me.
Well… Not much I can do about it.
“We’re good?” I ask for whatever reason.
“We’re good,” he confirms. There’s a small frown on his face for a moment before he smooths it away and taps his fist against the roof of the car. “Ready to go?”
I nod.
So fucking ready.