Page 93 of Just a Taste
I can see myself being happy with him because… I am right now. Happier than I’ve ever been before.
The only question is what Lake thinks about this. I’m sure he has thoughts. He always does.
Lake’s eyes land on me, then. He doesn’t smile at me. Doesn’t visibly perk up. Doesn’t rush toward me.
He’s unreadable to the rest of the population of the world. But not to me.
And doesn’t that make me feel special?
He starts making his way through the crowd, dressed in a pair of tight black jeans, black boots, and a loose black sweater with the sleeves haphazardly rolled up. He’s hotter than any person has a right to be.
I can see the glances people throw his way. The appreciative way they look at him. I don’t think he notices at all though, because as aloof and indecipherable he seems, he only has eyes for me.
“Whoa,” he says when he reaches me. “This place is packed.”
“Hey.” I start to get up. “You can sit here. I’ll get you a?—”
His hand comes down on my shoulder, and he pushes me back down.
“I’m good,” he says.
He leans his ass against the backrest of the seat, his hip against my shoulder, then reaches out and plucks my beer bottle from between my fingers.
“Hi,” he says when he looks around the group.
“This is Lake,” I say loudly over the noise.
“Are you on the team, too?” the girl sitting to my right asks. She leans forward, eyes alight with interest, and flicks her long auburn hair over her shoulder.
“No. I’m more of a gets-picked-last-in-PE type,” Lake says.
She giggles and leans even farther forward.
“Cute and funny,” she says.
Yeah, that’s not fucking happening. Not on my watch.
“How was work?” I cut in loudly enough to draw looks.
Lake sends me a startled glance before he shrugs. “Same old, same old. How was practice?”
“Same old, same old,” I say.
Lake empties my drink and straightens up. “I’ll go and get another one.”
I wonder if we’ve been here long enough to take off already?
Probably not.
I watch him go. I know I shouldn’t. I shouldn’t be so fucking obvious. I still watch him go.
He reaches the bar and turns around. And briefly, so briefly it’s one of those blink-and-you’ll-miss-it moments, he catches my eye and nods toward the bathrooms. Just a tiny, barely there flick of a nod.
My heart jumps in my chest.
I get up.
“Nature calls,” I say to no one in particular.