Page 99 of Just a Taste
I could face the consequences of my own lies.
So I face him head-on.
“John. It was John’s money.”
The temperature seems to drop about a thousand degrees all at once. My insides freeze along with the rest of the world.
And it dawns on me with blinding clarity.
I’ve miscalculated.
I’ve miscalculated the fuck out of this.
With the arrogance of an outsider, I’ve somehow assessed the damage of a wreck and dismissed the lasting effects of the injuries to the person who came through on the other side because there were no broken bones or visible bruises.
Just broken hearts and broken trust.
“Lake.” I surge forward.
He moves back. Fast. Faster than me.
He looks at me very, very calmly, a terrifying, empty distance in his gaze.
Shutters slam down over his eyes.
“Lake,” I repeat.
“We’re done,” he says with calm finality.
He turns on his heel and starts to walk away.
My jaw clenches.
“We’re a lot of things, but we’re definitely not fucking done,” I call after him.
He stops, turns, and stalks back to me. He plants his palms on my chest and leans closer.
“You’re the one person who knows just how much I hate him!” His voice cracks on the last words. He slams his palms against my chest and pushes me. I stumble backward. “You goddamn fucking asshole!” he snarls.
And then he walks away.
I lie on my bed in the festering silence of my empty apartment, legs dangling over the side, feet on the floor, and glare at the ceiling. The last four hours haven’t changed the sight much. Still the same tired white paint. Still the same black metal light shade.
This moment here screams for getting ridiculously, stupidly, inconceivably drunk.
And I would.
Oh, I fucking would.
But there isn’t a drop of alcohol anywhere in my apartment, and it’s so late by now that I can’t even go out and buy some.
Just my luck.
Very slowly, as if approaching a dangerous animal, I pick up my phone from where I dropped it on the bed earlier and put it on my chest. It’s cold against my bare skin. I wait another moment before I chance a look at the screen. I silenced it earlier, in case he calls or messages. So the only thing I have left on today’s agenda is to delete whatever he’s sent and block him.
I don’t want his apologies.