Page 107 of Fighting Fate
"Why did you do that?" she asks.
I turn her to face me, cupping her face tenderly in my hands. "Because it's you, Mills." It's a moment of pure truth, revealing the deep place she occupies in my heart. Yet, despite the yearning, I find myself pulling away, catching the confusion flickering in her eyes. It tears me apart, this inability to just whisk her away, to declare to the world she's mine—especially not here, under the scrutiny of prying eyes. It wouldn't be right to her.
Heading back to the bar, I finish my beer and adjust myself, but fail. I step out into the cool night, reflecting on the evening's unexpected twists. It didn't end as I had initially imagined, but dancing with Milli was more than enough.
Standing at his doorstep, I hesitate, my hand poised to knock. I'm not sure I should be here, outside his house, still in my dress from the gala. Dropping Payson and Brooke off at the dorms, something urged me to come, to show Miles tonight's feelings weren't one-sided. But doubt creeps in. What if he didn't want this, didn't want me? My hand falters, hovering in mid-air.
I'm about to retreat when the door swings open. There's Miles, looking slightly disheveled, as if he's been lost in thought, his keys in hand. He's casually dressed in shorts and a Panthers shirt, and I'm struck by the realization that he was about to leave.
Is he going to see someone else?
Confusion and panic set in, but he reaches out, his hand gently grasping mine. "Wanna come in?" His voice is soft, inviting.
My thoughts whirl, but before I can give them a voice, I'm already inside; the door closes sharply behind me. We stand face to face, wrapped in a heavy silence. Miles stays motionless, not attempting any of his usual quips or gestures to lighten the mood. It's just us, completely alone, and the space between us is thick with all that's left unsaid and the emotions we've kept at bay.
His breath is unsteady, mirroring my own, and his eyes find mine. "Why did you open the door?" I manage to ask.
"Why were you about to knock?" he counters.
"I asked you first."
"I was coming to find you."
"Well, here I am."
His fingers brush my cheek, prompting me to close my eyes briefly, savoring his touch. "Here you are," he echoes softly.
My eyes open to his intense gaze, and I'm overwhelmed with a desire to be impulsive, to give in to the heat between us. His hands glide down my body, gripping me in a way that sends waves of heat through me. The proximity of his body, the obvious arousal beneath his shorts, only heightens my own needs.
His hands find their way into my hair, gently tilting my head back. His lips hover over mine.
"Mills, you sure about this?" Speechless by his question, asking for my approval instead of just taking it, I simply nod.
"Speak it, Milli. Let me hear you say it."
"Yes, Miles," I confirm, as heat pools in my core. His dominance, evident in every aspect of his life, is intoxicating. I'm the one he's chosen to share this side with, to explore this intensity.
"You going to tell me why you were going to knock on the door?" he probes.
After a moment, I confess, "Because I wanted to see you."
It's not the whole truth, but it's not a lie, either.
He raises an eyebrow, questioning. "Anddd," he prompts.
I playfully push him, saying, "Do you really need me to spell it out?"
His grin is contagious. "Absolutely."
Gathering my courage, I look him dead in the eye. "I knocked because I came to get what's mine."
His eyes light up with a brief flicker of surprise before a deep, intense gaze takes over. And, good god, my heart seems to leap right out of my chest, my entire being buzzing with want. To have him closer to me, much closer.
"And what is that, Mills?"
Under different circumstances, I might have withdrawn, but with Miles, it's like I'm infused with a newfound boldness. It's always been this way with him. Everything leading up to now just fits—it's as if all the pieces have fallen perfectly into place. No second-guessing, no doubts. I want nothing more than to be right here, with him.