Page 133 of Fighting Fate
In this whirlwind of excitement, I find myself on edge, awaiting Milli's moment in the limelight. With each introduction, the knot in my stomach tightens, my mind buzzing with questions about the Hanmann sisters' performance, and crucially, how Milli will react to my unannounced arrival.
"Presenting NorthRidge University, let's hear it for Milli Sutton and the Hanmann sisters!" The crowd's enthusiasm bubbles over, chants of "Go Panths, Go Panths," filling the air.
Milli nudges the girls, encouraging them to wave to the audience. As they sweep their hands through the air, our eyes meet. It's a moment filled with an intense connection that has always sparked between us, both undeniable and enduring. It's a mute exchange, laden with our common history and unsaid feelings, a heart-to-heart that transcends words.
In that brief, wordless exchange, my feelings for her resonate loud and clear.
I have always loved this woman. How could I let her think any differently?
At first, Milli looks surprised, her gaze flickering away from mine to her parents. I'm momentarily concerned that she might be uncomfortable with my presence, but then her eyes find mine again, and she offers me the faintest of smiles. My heart practically somersaults in response.
Sure, things between us are a bit uncertain, but that small smile from Milli? It means the world to me. As the curtains draw to a close, the room falls silent. Then, Mrs. Sutton's voice drifts over, "Did you see that, Miles? I was right. Milli's happy you're here."
I can't help but smile, though I'm cautious not to read too much into it. Perhaps she was just pleased to see her parents.
But then again, could it be a combination of both?
That thought stays infused with a deep sense of hope.
Just breathe, Milli. In one, two, three, there you go. Out, one, two, three.
I can't believe it. Just when I am juggling enough stress, ensuring everything is perfect not only for me but also for the Hanmann sisters, he has to show up. My palms grow sweatier, my heart races just a bit faster. I shouldn't be this nervous just because he's here, right? I shouldn't feel the need to impress him, but somehow, I do.
Before I can get too caught up in thoughts, I hear the announcement, "Milli, you and the Hanmann sisters are up next."
Okay, Milli, just breathe. In, one, two, three. Out, one, two, three.
I follow that rhythm, making my way to the back of room 5, where I gather the girls. "Ready to go win that prize?" I ask. Their faces light up, excitement palpable, as they grab my hands and we head backstage.
I squat to their level, squeezing their hands. Lily and Georgia grasp the bottom of my leotard skirt. "I'm glad you're doing this with us," Lily says.
I beam at them. "Me too, sweetie. Ready to show the judges what you've got?"
Their nods spark a surge of enthusiasm within me. Taking a deep breath, I close my eyes, slowly letting it out. That's when I hear, "Please welcome to the stage, the Hanmann Sisters."
Kissing each of their heads, I guide them to the stage. As they move, Georgia looks back at me.
I mouth, "You got this," giving her a double thumbs-up.
She grins and skips to the center of the stage. As the lights dim, I catch Miles' gaze. The butterflies inside me go wild. It's not just his look—it's the tiny fist pump and smile that accompanies it, a gesture I haven't seen in ages.
The stage descends into darkness, and the opening chords of Rachel Platten's "Fight Song" start to play, marking the beginning of our performance. As the lights gradually brighten, revealing us on stage, Lily and Georgia begin to move in sync with the rhythm. A rush of adrenaline courses through me; it's my cue to join them, to showcase our collective strength and determination despite life's distractions.
Empowered by this thought, I glide smoothly to stage right. The lyrics of the song amplify around us. "This is my fight song, take back my life song, prove I'm alright song, my power's turned on." Each line reinforces our resolve, mirroring the strong spirit that we embody.
I'm entirely focused on each step, every gesture we've perfected over countless rehearsals. As the music fills the auditorium, our routine flows with precision. Lily leads, setting our pace, and we follow. We move in unison, our dance a perfect symphony of twirls and spins, each motion speaking to our unity and hard work.
The energy on stage vibrates through the crowd. The Hanmann sisters' faces are alight with joy, excitement in every step. Together, we bring our routine to vibrant life, infusing each movement with our passion and perfectly synchronized steps. The audience is captivated; the atmosphere buzzing with their excitement and appreciation.
In the heat of our performance, I briefly catch Miles' gaze. He watches closely, his eyes radiating admiration and encouragement. That fleeting connection fills me with a surge of confidence and determination, his presence providing an unexpected boost. Re-energized, we continue our routine with heightened passion and vigor. As my part comes to a close, I execute a final elegant twirl and gracefully exit the stage, leaving Lily and Georgia to shine.
Backstage, the moment has arrived for a special addition to our routine. I glance at Mr. Hanmann. "You ready for this?"
He looks nervous but nods, his attire perfectly chosen for the occasion. His agreement to this last-minute addition to his daughters' performance speaks volumes of his dedication as a father. He's poised and ready, and I have no doubt he'll be fantastic on stage.