Page 74 of Fighting Fate
She's your friend.
I know I should stop, but my body isn't listening. Friends, friends, friends, I internally chant, yet it does nothing to quell the growing tension within me.
My grip unconsciously tightens, and it feels undeniably right. Her form fits perfectly in my hand, almost too perfectly.
I close my eyes for a fleeting second, lost in the sensation. It's like the universe is teasing me, offering a moment I've fantasized about but shouldn't indulge in.
Then reality crashes back with the sound of Luke's voice. "Chasen, man, you in there?"
Panic sets in. I'm motionless, my hand still on Milli, and he is just a few steps away from walking in on us.
Milli seems half in a trance, her eyes heavy, teetering between apprehension and an undeniable pull of desire. She's no longer tilting her head back; instead, she's biting her lower lip, a subtle, contemplative gesture.
Her eyes flit about, taking in our proximity, then dart toward the door where Luke's voice emanates from.
"Man, you in there?" Luke's voice comes again.
Focus, Chasen. Think fast.
"Yeah, yeah, I'm here," I manage to say, my voice strained as I maintain my touch on Milli.
"I'm thinking of showering here since I'm meeting a girl on campus," Luke says, oblivious.
My mind is elsewhere, completely absorbed by the woman in front of me, her presence overwhelming all other thoughts.
"It would just be a waste of time, don't you think?" Luke adds.
If only he knew. Right now, I wish for nothing more than for him to leave.
Right fucking now.
"Sutton, my man, you were awesome out there," I hear Cam say, and I can only picture Luke grinning like a Cheshire cat at the compliment about his skills on the field.
Cam's distraction is a godsend. You'd think Milli and I would scurry to our separate shower stalls, but we don't. Neither of us make a move.
Our eyes stay locked, our breaths all tangled up. My muscles tense as I fight the urge to just scoop her up and carry her out of here, even though I know it's a pipe dream with Luke waiting right outside the locker room. But for now, I can hold on to this moment as mine.
My hand finds its way to her hip, fingers tracing the trail of goosebumps along Milli's spine. Her eyes drift to my lips, only inches from hers, in a silent invitation.
"Miles," she breathes out, her whisper barely grazing my lips.
Luke's voice filters through again, his plans changing, the excitement palpable. He's always had a thing for impromptu plans, especially when it involves a girl.
Cool, Luke. Now, please, just get the hell out of here.
The fading sound of his cleats tells me we're alone. The tension slightly eases, but neither of us move away. Milli leans into my touch, her body melding into mine.
God, this woman. Memories flash in my mind—That night at the club? Unbelievable. My lips on her stomach during the party? Absolutely. Seeing her on FaceTime? Hard as a rock, no doubt.
Now, observing Milli's hard swallow and the faint motion in her throat, a shift occurs within me. An intense fascination takes hold. Our eyes meet, and I inch closer, feeling her breath tickle my lips.
"What are you doing, Miles?" she asks softly. Hell if I know, but one thing's certain—I don't want whatever is happening to end.
Words fail me. Logic dictates I should pull away, yet my body outright rejects the notion; I'm anchored in the moment.
Her gaze meets mine, filled with swirling questions. "This," I manage to say, just before my lips gently press against hers in a soft, searching kiss. That contact sends a zap straight to my cock, but her subtle pullback leaves a pang of disappointment in its wake.
But then, Milli surges back, her lips meeting mine with a desperation that sets my pulse skyrocketing. We become a tangle of eager hands and clumsy kisses, as if we're trying to make up for lost time, unable to satiate our hunger for each other.