Page 14 of Devil in the Dark
With Cole Taviera.
And if I know anything of these parties Cole attends by my years of cyber stalking him, images of us together will be viral by the morning. That means that by tomorrow morning, Mom and Darius will know where I’ve run to. Who I’ve run to.
That’s when the real chaos will begin.
“The little demon from the past is a knockout.” My eyes slide to Ian as a scowl tugs at my mouth.
“She’s a child.”
“You said she was nineteen, two months shy of twenty,” Kane points out. “That’s a woman.”
“I’m twenty-eight, pretending she’s my girlfriend.” I scrub my brow, still not believing the shit turn my life has taken. “Fuck me.”
Cash chuckles. “You never know, she just might.”
My gaze slices to him as something hot spears inside my chest. “No. There’s nothing real about what I’m doing with her. It’s fake.”
“Yeah?” Kane chuckles. “You know how fake turned out for me and Cash.”
“The two of you had intentions for things to turn real. I don’t.” Fixing my attention on Ian, I demand, “Any closer to finding what I asked for?”
“You called me last night, in the middle of the damn night.”
Olympia laughs, her head tipping back as full lips stretch in a smile that—shit. Shoving my fisted hands into my pockets, I turn my scowl on Ian. “I know how you work.”
“Candace was home last night.”
“So?” Even as I say it, I know it’s irrational. Ian puts nothing above Candace. Not even the band.
His brows lift. “You think I’m leaving my bed when that woman’s got her ass tucked in close?” He nods to Candace, who’s currently chatting it up with the woman of my nightmares come to fucking life, like she’s the best thing to come into our lives since Nevaeh.
My eyes slide to Nevaeh, who already has stars in her eyes. She’s in love with the little demon, too, by the way she throws her head back and laughs at something my fake girlfriend says. Or maybe it’s the way my fake girlfriend laughed so openly, so innocently exposed, just moments before. She’s manipulative.
Innocent, my fake girlfriend, is definitely not.
Frustration bubbles inside me, because Nevaeh doesn’t make friends quickly or easily. She doesn’t let people, women especially, in. I don’t want her to let Olympia in only for me to kick her out whenever Ian does his damn job and finds what I need him to find.
“This is important.”
“So is snuggling that ass on the rare nights it’s pressed against me.”
Cash chuckles again. “She’s really taking night shifts seriously, eh?”
“She’s talking about going back to school to become a doctor.” Ian sighs, eyes fixed on his woman.
“She is?” I look back at Candace. The woman’s got a head on her shoulders, and a care for people that a lot of people today lack. She’d make a good doctor.
“Don’t know if she’ll do it, but she’s talking about it,” Ian admits. “Also talking about babies, now that she’s in love with yours.”
Love and pride fill Cash’s eyes. The man’s a sucker for his twins, and I get it. They’re awesome. “That right?”
“That’s a big commitment for Candy,” Kane interjects, brows furrowed. Far as I know, Kane and Nevaeh have been trying for a baby for some time without success. Nevaeh has her niece and nephew as often as Wrenlee will allow, so she’s getting her baby fix, as Kane likes to call it, but we all know it’s not the same.
Ian shrugs. “I figure med school will win out in the end.”