Page 21 of Over & Over
All my efforts felt foolish. All the time I wasted protecting my heart was useless, but it didn’t break. She still has it, whether she wants it or not. It’s not worth much without her.
That file mocks me. I’m worried this is her reply to every voicemail, text, email, and letter. More so that it’s filled with all her hurt and pain.
I click play and listen to the first track. I lift a brow at the lyrics. They’re bold, vibrant, and laced with sexual innuendo. Better be about me.
My office door opens, and the trouble twins step in with their sometimes third. I’m not sure how Angel became part of their terror cell, but he’s the most likely candidate. Jake and Dane aren’t innocent, but they’re too caught up in their other businesses. Though, if Lily were Dane’s sister, he’d be right in the middle.
“Good, right?” Maddox nods toward my computer.
“I don’t understand when the hell she became so interested in music or learned to play.” Angel sits in front of my desk with his brows furrowed.
I click pause on the file. Maddox and Ryder have probably let him listen. I know the answer to both questions. But the first isn’t my secret to tell. “I taught her.”
He snorts and chews on his cheek, staring at me with those silver eyes, telling me my assumption about him knowing is right. “Want to elaborate?”
“Do you want me to elaborate?”
He doesn’t answer, and I don’t look away.
Even if he hasn’t known from the beginning, I’m sure his dad told him about the times I showed up at his door looking for Lily, so he’s at least known for a few months. He’s decided not to say anything, but that could end soon.
“Well, this just got awkward.” Ryder chimes after a few more seconds of silence.
I turn my attention to him with a raised brow. “I’m starting to miss when you were all anger and rage. You instigated less.” It’s not true, but whatever. He smirks, kissing the air at me. “Was there something you guys wanted, or did you get bored already?”
“We were listening to Lily’s tracks again,” Maddox tells me. “They’re good. Too good to pass up, but just like the first time we listened, we feel like something’s missing.”
“We? As in, you assholes have been plotting this for a while.”
He rolls his eyes. “For her to record, yes. We don’t sit around contemplating your love life.”
Angel snorts. “Especially when it involves my sister, who disappeared to California for months around the time all your bullshit drama started. Coincidence?”
“You already know the answer to that, or you wouldn’t be asking.”
“Okay, okay. Enough with the Secret Life of the American Teenager.” Ryder cuts in, already bored with the theatrics. I wince at the comment.
“What the hell have you been watching?” Maddox asks. He shrugs. If I don’t intervene, I can tell this conversation will never end, so I hold up my hand, rolling it through the air, begging them to get to the point. “Right, right. The three of us decided we want you to work with Lily on the music, start to finish. Help her fine-tune the lyrics, the music, and produce it.”
My jaw drops in shock before turning to anger. I love Lily, and I will do anything to get her back. Producing isn’t the issue, but helping her with her songs… I don’t play or sing anymore. “No.”
“It’s not a request, Liam,” Angel tells me, a smug grin pulling his mouth.
“The answer is still no. I don’t play. Period. You guys can do all of that if you don’t trust anyone else.”
“We don’t have time,” Ryder waves his hand around the office. You see, mate, we have a new business we need to handle, not to mention we have our own music to work on.”
“Then you handle it,” I tell Angel.
“I would, but she won’t let me listen. But you already know that.” His arrogant smirk grows wider.
They’ve got me cornered.
On one hand, I should be jumping at the chance of more alone time with her. This would mean lots of long hours together. But… “I. Don’t. Play,” I grind out.
“You just admitted you taught her, so you do play. I know you have issues or whatever, but it’s time to get over it. It’s been a goddamn decade, Liam. You’ve managed to stay in the industry without strumming a note. It’s time to put the past behind you. We’re not asking you to fucking record. Just help her with the songs and music. Then you can hide behind the fucking soundboard.” Maddox retorts.
“Then consider this my resignation.”