Page 77 of Over & Over
I cut the connection between the control room and the recording studio, then stand, take a couple of steps to put some distance between the jackass and me, and glare. If I stay too close, I will take one of these cords and strangle him with it. “You’ve got to go.”
His boots hit the floor, and he leans forward from his reclined position in shock. “What? Why would I go?”
“Because as long as you’re here, we will never get this done. You make her nervous, dumbass.” My hands fly out, gesturing toward the monitors and controls. “And you can’t keep your damn mouth shut.”
“Oh, come on. You can’t tell me someone with her IQ can’t remember their own lyrics. Besides, I’m just messing with her.”
I drag my hand over my face and groan. “I’m telling Josephine to cut your daily weed allowance because you didn’t used to be this stupid.”
“Fuck off, asshole. How am I supposed to know she’s still weirded out by me?”
“Because I fucking told you, dipshit!” He’s being deliberately obtuse. A trait I now realize must run in the family. “Angel, think about it, man. Lily isn’t the insecure type. She doesn’t shy away from attention. But it’s because so many things come easy to her. Except this. She has the natural talent, yes, but she has to work harder to play the songs. Force herself to think in terms of tempo and rhythm. Understand how the chords together create emotion. The difference between power chords, major chords, and minor chords. Even the words, she knows what she wants to say, but she has to say everything in a cadence.”
“Why does she care? She never cares. She has never cared.”
“Because, Angel, in her mind, you are this massive rock god.”
He grins, sinking into the chair, preening. “Well, I am a rock god.”
“Yeah.” I roll my eyes. Where’s the modesty? “The entire world knows who you are. That’s the problem. Just like none of you wanted to seem like you were handed your opportunity, she doesn’t want anyone to think it either. Her credibility dropped simply because she’s your sister. She can’t make any mistakes—not a note, a lyric, nothing.”
“That’s bullshit.” He stands, his eyes hard and accusing. “Are you letting her believe all that?”
“No. I know it’s bullshit. But I also know her brother is her hero, and she doesn’t want to let him down.”
He turns toward the glass, watching her. She sits on the sofa across the room, running her hand over her hair. The same thing her brother does. “For fuck’s sake. She’s got to know she won’t let me down, right?”
I shrug, then nod my head toward her. Hers is dipped low. Frustration with herself emanates in the way her mouth doesn’t stop moving, probably berating herself. Dark eyes flare with fire and passion as she lifts her bottle to her mouth, but the anxiety doesn’t stop, made apparent by her fingers tapping on her thigh. “I think deep down she knows, but it doesn’t change the insecurities.”
“She has to get over it,” he says, running his fingers through his hair again.
I don’t know whether to laugh or cringe that Lily is doing the same thing at the same time. If I think too hard about it… Nope.
“What am I supposed to do when we go on tour? I can’t not show until the last second. Maddox would lose his fucking shit. Literally.”
“She’ll be ready.” I turn my head slightly, catching his eye. “But until then, stay away from the recording sessions. You are banned until further notice.”
“Fine.” He throws his hands up in the air. “Fine. I’ll stay away.”
Laughing, I walk him to the door with my arm over his shoulder. “I know it’s killing you not to be involved.”
“Well, yeah. My little sister shares my dream. It’s cool as hell, and I have been banished. How would you feel if it were, Casey?”
“I get it. But this is where we are. It’s been hours, and she hasn’t gotten through a single verse.”
I open the door, let him go first, then follow, closing the door behind me. Then I lean against it and watch until he vanishes down the corridor. My head tilts, glancing up at the recording light still on, and I walk eight feet to the next door leading to the recording room. As I push it open, I just manage to snatch the flying water bottle out of the air before it smacks me in the face.
“The bottle do something to you?”
She huffs, an arm crossing her waist, propping the other on it, dropping her head into her hand. “I forgot my own words. Who the hell does that?”
“More than you know,” I laugh, then quickly press my lips together when she cuts her sharp eyes at me. I push off the wall and walk toward her. My hand slips around her waist, bringing her to my chest, grinning. “You need a distraction.” I move her hair away from her neck and drop my lips to her soft skin. “Something to make you forget how frustrated you are,” I whisper.
Her head tilts, giving me better access to her lovely flesh as she hums low in approval. Then her hands slap my chest. “No. I need to finish this song.”
My arm lifts, reaching for the adjustable microphone hanging from the ceiling. I turn it to the angle I want, then spin her. Her eyes meet mine in the mirror on the wall across from us. “Then finish it.” My mouth returns to her, brushing over the skin below her ear.
“You’re not in the room to hit record.”