Page 111 of Devastate Me
After what seemed like hours of indecision and worry, but was really only a few minutes, Nova called from the bathroom.
“Come in here, get straight into the shower, step under the water, and make sure you are wet everywhere.”
Holy shit! Why was that so fucking hot? Maybe bossy Nova wouldn’t be a bad thing after all. I didn’t waste any time thinking about it and followed her directions to the letter. She stepped in behind me, once she knew that I was soaked from head to toe.
“I’m going to scrub you clean and you’re just going to stand there while I do it. No touching. No talking. If you don’t think you can handle it, lean forward and put your hands on the wall, that will give you something to hold on to.”
Jesus. Where was my timid little Nova?
I still didn’t know everything that happened to her while she was on the run, and we thought she might be held captive somewhere. Most of the time she’d been gone, she was in the care of Jeremy Williamson, and as much as I didn’t like the prick for abandoning her to begin with, he had come back to rescue his little girl when he thought she was in trouble.
“We should do your hair first. You need to get down on your knees facing away from me.” I did as she asked and felt when her feet straddled my lower legs. “You’re still too tall, bring your ass all the way down to sit on your calves.” I followed her directions to the letter without saying a word.
Nova’s fingers sifted through my shorn hair before she trailed her nails across my scalp sending goosebumps to flood my system. Damn that felt amazing. Then she turned to grab my Old Spice and stopped with a little puff of surprise. I assumed she only just now noticed that it was the only bottle in my shower anymore. The minute she’d talked to me about how seeing the other shit made her feel, I came straight back home and cleared it all away.
I might have been a selfish asshole, but I was one who could learn from my mistakes, especially the one that seemed to make my girl feel even worse than the fact that she’d seen me having sex with someone else.
My semi turned into a full-fledged hard-on as she slathered some of my shampoo into her hands and then began working it into my hair while massaging my scalp at the same time. There was no helping the inadvertent groan of pure satisfaction that I made.
Her fingers hesitated at the sound, and I worried she’d count that as me saying something, but then she went right back to work before pulling the shower sprayer down.
“Tip your head back.”
I did. My reward was in how the warmth of the water felt as it washed all the suds away. It was in how her fingers still tracked through my short hairs to my scalp, making sure that all the soap ran down into the drain. My eyes were closed through the whole process as she finished and put the sprayer back up on its holder.
“Stay where you are for now while I do the rest. I’ll tell you when it’s time for you to stand.”
I offered a small nod of my head, but stayed true to my word that I wouldn’t move. Having her taking care of me trumped the uncomfortable feeling of having my knees crammed into the shower tiles any day. I’d kneel like this on a bed of nails if she told me to. That was how grateful I was to have her back, to have her attention focused on me instead of running.
She soaped up a cloth and gently washed my face. It was a completely unreal experience. I’d had bitches try to wash my dick and balls before, but never my hair or face. She took her time to make sure she got every inch, then she started on my ears, and down to my neck.
As Nova finished one area, she’d rinse it clean and then silently move on to the next. After she finished with my shoulders, she stepped back.
“You can stand now.” I followed her instructions, thankful to be off my fucking knees while simultaneously missing her closeness.
Nova stepped in close again and began washing my back. Once she was done, she had me turn in place so she could wash my front. She took her time scrubbing my torso quite a bit more vigorously than the gentle approach she’d taken with my face. She scrubbed each of my arms, all the way down to my hands and then took special care to scrub each fucking finger and it made me feel like I’d never gotten myself clean before because her attention to detail was nearly overwhelming.
“Do you know why we’re doing this?” She asked but never removed her eyes from where she scrubbed my left hand.
I didn’t answer verbally, just shook my head, but she could see the movement even as her eyes avoided looking up.
“I’m scrubbing you clean before we go any further.”My gut clenched tight at her proclamation.“I’m making sure that every inch of your body is cleansed from the whores you preferred to fuck over me.”
If I could have ripped my own fucking heart out in that moment, I would have.
“I’m washing away their stink. I’m washing away all the places they touched. Kissed. Sucked. Licked. Every single place their bodies have touched yours, and you have used to touch them. I’m scrubbing it all away.”
You would think those words coming from her beautiful mouth would have made me hard or kept me that way. They didn’t. My dick deflated with each one she uttered because as she spoke it was becoming clear the damage I’d done to this sweet, beautiful woman. She had only ever asked one thing of me, that I be hers alone. She hadn’t asked for my patch, like nearly every other woman in the club had.
Nova had never asked for my money, though she desperately needed it. She’d never asked for me to put her on the back of my bike. She’d curiously asked why I wasn’t doing it, but never demanded that I change my mind. She had asked one simple thing of me. To give back what she was giving. Loyalty. Fidelity. Trust. And I’d fucked it all to hell in the most literal sense.
I didn’t trust her to be able to handle me even after she gave me her faith that I would be able to handle her and her one desire.
“Turn,” Nova demanded, and I complied.
She scrubbed my ass, but I didn’t feel her hands there in a sensual way anymore. I felt my own fucking shame. I felt her hurt in every stroke of the soapy rag she used to clean my body of the betrayals it had made against her.
“Do you know what hurt the most?”