Page 3 of Devastate Me
I caught the papers, and after glancing down at them, realized it was the lease for my apartment.
“Check the last page – see who signed for this place,” the man instructed.
I already knew what I’d find there – Jeremy had signed the lease, not me. My heart sank. This was really happening.
“Let me talk to him. He’s still my father. He can’t just-” Even as I said it, I knew it wasn’t true, something the goon cut me off to reiterate.
“You’re over eighteen. He can do whatever he wants. And what he wants is you, out.” He made an “out the door” gesture with his hand.
Jeremy might as well have hit me with a train. I had no energy to argue. No energy to do anything. “Let me get my stuff.”
“Just your clothes. That’s all you’re allowed to take. The rest belongs to him.”
“I need my books and laptop to finish out the semester.” I grabbed my laptop and clutched it to my chest. “I’ll return it as soon as school is done. I have two papers on there that need to be printed. If I have to re-write them while I’m homeless, I might as well quit school now and-”
The man shook his head. “Listen kid, I understand that life ain’t fair. But facts are facts. Jeremy Williamson, who is not your dad, doesn’t want you to have them anymore. From what he told me, the man who really is your daddy is loaded. Get him to help you out.”
He tossed a couple t-shirts at me and the rattiest looking jeans he could get his hands on. “There. I’ve been fair and gave you some clothes. That laptop or those books leave this room, I have orders to call the police.”
“What about underwear and…” I started to ask but the men just laughed.
“If she’s anything like her mother, she won’t need that shit anyway,” one of them offered snidely.
“Please,” I begged again.
“Be glad that piece of shit Toyota that’s parked out front was put into your name, otherwise we’d be taking that too.” I didn’t bother to tell them that Clark, the man now known to be my biological father, who I had referred to as “Uncle Clark” my whole life, had given that to me for my sixteenth birthday when Jeremy said that I wasn’t allowed to have a car until I went to college.
“Please, don’t do this,” I begged again.
“Kid, it’s already done. You’re just too stupid to get gone. You should have hauled ass out of town with your mother.”
“Why would I do that? She ruined my life!” I argued.
The man shrugged indifferently as if none of it mattered at all. To him, I supposed it didn’t. Putting the laptop down, I grabbed the bag he’d thrown at me and turned to leave, knowing that I had nothing.
Jeremy hadn’t allowed me to work because of appearances. No child of his would hold a job while going to school. It was unbecoming, and made it look as though he couldn’t provide for his family. The car Uncle Clark – my biological father – had given me at sixteen was embarrassment enough when I failed to refuse the gift.
I was so thankful that it had been the one thing I put my foot down about in my life. I’d probably be living out of my car until I could figure out how to do simple things like pay for food, a place to live, and some fresh underwear to change into. I cried harder as my numb body carried me down the steps and out the door of the building to the one thing I owned that couldn’t be taken from me.
How was I going to stay in school when I couldn’t even afford to feed myself? That thought made me head straight to the bursar’s office, where I found out that my meal card was good for one more week. No, my tuition had not been paid for the summer semester as it was meant to be. I had until August fourteenth to come up with the $5,624.00 that I’d need to pay for the next semester’s tuition. Thankfully, I had chosen to stay close to home and attend a state university. Still, that left me two and a half months to earn the money I’d need. Plus, I still had to find a place to live, a job, and food.
I sat in my car outside the bursar’s office and cried until campus security came by and threatened to write me a ticket or have me towed. I truly couldn’t catch a break.
Chapter 2
I glanced up to see Kip walking my way and immediately wished I’d never made eye contact. It was obvious by the determined look on his face that he needed something from me. One glance down at my dick and the mouth that engulfed it, should have been enough of an indicator that he shouldn’t approach me. Kip gave zero fucks about me getting off before asking his favor.
“Suck harder, honey. You have to work for my cum.”
Charlotte, who we called Lotta because she took a lotta cock, made glugging noises as I stuffed my prick further down her throat. She wasn’t the greatest cocksucker in the clubhouse, but the lack of a gag reflex worked in her favor.
“Hey man, I need you.”
I turned my eyes back up toward Kip’s. “I’m in the middle of auditioning my second for the night,” I explained coolly while guiding Lotta’s head, so my shaft was fully immersed in her mouth and each thrust sent my length down her throat. She was slobbering, which wasn’t necessarily a bad thing, but it was leaving a massive wet spot on the crotch of my jeans.