Page 61 of Devastate Me
“That’s both really obvious and not your concern,” I replied.
She laughed at me. “You think your something with your little date night out in the gazebo. It wasn’t special, Breakneck has taken me back there to fuck a few times.”
“Quit lying to her, Connie.” Another woman, Scout, I think her name was, said as she stopped near us. Her eyes were trained on the baby at my side as she spoke. I could see the pain there as she looked at him, and knowing part of her story made my heart ache for her.
“You’re just jealous that you lost your man, and that Kip doesn’t take you out there to make you feel special,” Connie taunted her.
“Seriously, stop lying or I’ll go let Tripp know what a cunt your being to his grandson’s nanny.” Scout turned to me then. “Breakneck never takes anyone out there and it is off limits to club girls anyway. That’s a rule set by both the Prez and his VP, since they built it.”
“For Tripp’s late wife,” I added the part of the story that Breakneck had told me the night before.
“Yeah, for Kim,” Scout smiled at me as she realized he must have clued me in to the fact that the place held a deeper meaning than just a building on the back lawn.
Connie got fed up with us ignoring her and she walked off. Scout started to follow until I called her back. “It’s okay if you sit here. I’m not really that busy, since I was already ahead with my work.”
She glanced at the baby again and shook her head. “Believe it or not, just me talking to you will cause a shitstorm with Ash if she finds out, let alone the fact that I was this close to her precious son.”
I scrunched my nose up at that. “Knoxville is precious to Kip. To me, too. His mother doesn’t treat him that way, though. As long as you don’t have any ill will toward my little buddy, then I don’t really care what she thinks. That baby deserves to be loved and admired by everyone, especially since his mother isn’t one of those people showing him that same courtesy.”
“Girl, if you ever try to leave your job or this club, I’ll have something to say about it,” Tripp called out. I blushed profusely knowing that he had just overheard me talking shit about his daughter-in-law.
Scout laughed at my wide-eyed, ‘oops’ stare. “He meant every word. Everyone here sees that you care for the kid and that his mother is never around. These guys might come off as gruff and too busy to notice the little things, but they do. Trust me, you’ve earned their respect a few times over already.” Scout winked at me. “Mine too.”
“Thanks, I guess?” It came off as more of a question than a statement. Scout grinned and walked away without saying anything else.
“Don’t take it personally,” Tripp said as he came over to check on his grandson. “It’s hard for her to be around him. She’d never hurt him, but that baby is the only reason she and my son aren’t married right now. They were just getting their shit together when Ashlynn came back into the picture to tell Kip she was pregnant. Worst fucking day of both their lives. Well, maybe not hers. I’m guessing the day my son was forced to marry that bitch was worse for Scout and probably the day his son was born to another woman.” He shook his head. “Sometimes, we men get things wrong and screw it up. Once in a while, it works out that way, but my son isn’t one of those cases. He’s meant to be with that girl.”
“Maybe one day, everything will work out the way it’s supposed to,” I offered optimistically.
“Let’s hope so. You good, have everything you need?”
“Doin’ just fine right here. If we’re in the way, we can move.”
“You stay right where you are and if Connie or any of the other club girls gives you any shit, come see me and I’ll deal with them.”
“Thanks, Tripp.”
“Any time, sweetheart.”
I never did see Breakneck that day, but that was probably because I’d taken Knoxville back to Kip’s room by seven. Once evening rolled around, more of the club girls started hanging around in less clothing. I took that as my cue to get back to the solitude of the private suite.
The next day, I didn’t see him either until around six in the evening when Kip came to collect his son from me. He told me to get ready because my man was waiting for me in the common room. Once I was ready, I headed out there to find Breakneck waiting for me with a purple rose that he held out for me to take.
“It’s beautiful.” He handed the long-stemmed rose to me and took my other hand in his. “Come on, we have a date to get to.” We did not go out the back door that time. Instead, we moved to go up the stairs that ran up to what I always thought was a loft area. I had never gone up there, but that was where Breakneck headed with me in tow.
When we got to the top of the stairs, I looked around and realized that there was an open loft seating area up there, but there was also a hallway directly above where the one downstairs was situated. On either side of the hall were doors, that I assumed went to more bedrooms. I wondered who lived up there considering I never really saw anyone go up the stairs in all the times I’d been at the clubhouse.
We didn’t go inside any of those rooms and continued on down the hall until it opened up into another, cozier looking bar area. It was similar to the downstairs space except everything in the room appeared to be newer and it all matched. The bar was obviously much smaller, since the space was about a quarter of the size of the main common area.
No one else was using the space, but when Breakneck took his phone out and clicked on some things the same playlist that he used on our date two days ago started. The lights were low, and there was a table sitting off to the side that had a couple covered dishes on it.
“I already know that you missed dinner since the club girls started rolling into the common room early. I wanted to make up for that and well, take you on our third date. It should have been something special where I picked you up and you had a vase to put your rosebud in. It should have brightened up your room at Kip’s place for a few days at least.”
“Are you kidding me?” I asked as I took in the scene he had created. “This is amazing. You managed to make two completely different romantic settings inside a motorcycle club compound.” I laughed at the thought because it seemed impossible and yet my gruff, self-proclaimed lifelong bachelor and hard-living motorcycle man managed to do just that.
“This is amazing, and I didn’t even know this place existed.”