Page 71 of Devastate Me
I nodded, took one more glance toward Kip’s door and when I found myself staring down the barrel of Grady’s pistol again, I spun and entered my room instead. It smelled like stale sex and disappointment. Nothing more than I deserved, considering how I handled the night. The candles I’d turned on earlier in the evening were dim shadows of their former selves, making the room seem less welcoming than it had been before.
“It’ll be a fucking miracle if she even speaks to me again,” I admitted to myself as I slipped out of my clothes and moved to the bed. The blanket was still tossed to the bottom of the mattress and the exposed sheets held the evidence of my girl’s lost virginity. Her blood mixed with other fluids, most likely my cum, formed a smallish pink stain in the middle of my sheets.
I had cum inside her. It just now hit me that using a condom had never even entered my mind when it came to Nova. I didn’t know if she was on birth control, or what. As the thought ran rampant in my mind, the thing that didn’t happen was panic setting in. My heart beat steady, my mind was calm. If she got pregnant, it would not even be in the realm of bad things. It would mean she was mine and all those dreams of knocking her up would be fulfilled.
I thought back to when Nova had yelped, “Oh God,” as I came inside her. Suddenly those two words in combination with the horror I’d seen on her face made more sense. She hadn’t been hitting her climax with me. My girl had been concerned about the fact that I’d just dumped my babymakers inside of her. I guess that answered the question about birth control.
Fuck. I don’t think it was possible for me to fuck up her first time any more than I did. I tossed my blanket over our dried fluids and threw myself on the bed. When morning came, I’d have to grovel my ass off and make her understand.
Chapter 28
“Looks like you had a guard on your door all night,” Kip said when I opened up after he knocked. I glanced to the side and saw the chair sitting there in the hallway to the side of the door. “Dad said Grady was out here most of the night making sure no one bothered you. The old bastard pulled a gun on Breakneck when he tried to come find you.”
“He did what?” I asked, shocked that someone would go to those lengths for me.
Kip laughed. “The crazy old coot must really like you to put a gun on a brother like that.”
“I didn’t mean for him to-”
Kip cut me off. “Don’t worry about him, sweetheart; he’s not in trouble. Tripp happened to agree with what he was doing.”
“Can we sit down and talk about what happened last night?” I blushed as Kip brought Knoxville in and laid him down in the playpen that doubled as a crib when he was at the clubhouse with me.
“Tripp explained a few things about what went on here last night and I think you need to be clued in on a few of them before you let your mind wander in directions it doesn’t need to go.” Then, he proceeded to explain everything I saw between Scout and Breakneck. Kip seemed a little surprised as well by Scout’s true roll in what I’d seen.
“You didn’t realize she was helping the club?”
“I knew she was smart and good with computers, but I didn’t think that was who Breakneck was using for all the shit he had checked out. Honestly, we have a member named Wiz who used to do that shit, but he was never as good. I should have known he didn’t somehow grow smarter overnight.”
I laughed at Kip’s assertion that his club brother wasn’t exactly up to par for the task. Even though they were only club brothers, it sounded like a real sibling relationship. At least, it seemed like the ones I’d seen on television and in school when I watched brothers and sisters interacting with one another. It was either always with extreme love and protectiveness or abject torment.
My stomach grumbled before either of us could say another word. “Why don’t you go grab some breakfast while I sit with my son for a bit.”
I shook my head. “I can’t.”
“Why not?”
“I can’t go out there and face everyone after what happened last night. It feels like… I don’t know, it would just be really awkward for me. Everyone knows that I… That we… and he…” Yep, I was officially that girl who couldn’t even talk about losing her virginity without tripping all over the words.
Kip placed his hand over where mine were folded into my lap with one wringing the crap out of the other. “How about I go get your breakfast. You can eat in here and take care of Knox for the day, out of sight, out of mind. Later, I expect to see you make an appearance out there, though. You are made of stronger stuff than this. Can’t let you hide away from what happened because no one out there is judgingyoufor it. Can’t say the same for Breakneck, but he’s a big boy and can handle whatever they throw at him.”
“Okay,” I agreed. We could revisit me possibly having to go back out there later. It wasn’t something I was comfortable doing, especially since I was wearing the evidence of Connie’s attack.
By the time Kip came back with my food, Breakneck was on his heels walking into the room just behind him.
“I’ll leave you two to talk,” Kip said as soon as he handed me the plate with the cheesy omelet, bacon, and toast on it. Breakneck set a cup of steaming coffee on the dresser and a glass of orange juice.
“I wasn’t sure what you’d want this morning, so I got both while Kip grabbed your food.” He reached into his pocket and pulled out an array of coffee creamers, sugar packets, and even some jams for my toast. If I wasn’t still angry with him, it would have been a sweet gesture.
“About last night,” he started to say.
“You made a fool out of me.”
“No, it wasn’t like that.”