Page 76 of Devastate Me
I got undressed and into the shower, rather than wait for Breakneck to get back. When he finally showed, I was almost done cleaning up. It was a lot quicker than normal, since I used his three-in-one bottle rather than pick one of the others that was available. His mother was dead, and he didn’t have a sister, which meant that all the feminine bottles belonged to club girls. No way was I going to walk out of his room later smelling like any of them.
“I didn’t mean for you to start without me.”
I didn’t respond. He undressed quickly and joined me. When he realized I’d used his product, his brows wrinkled up for a minute before he shrugged it off. Stupid man. That would have been the perfect opportunity for him to speak up and tell me he’d get rid of the other shit.
Despite wanting to test him, I didn’t think there was a malicious reason for him to keep those products there. He was simply used to them and the other women using whatever they’d brought in.
“You took almost all the fun out of showering together, since you didn’t let me wash your hair or even your body.”
“Sorry, I didn’t realize.” It wasn’t that I didn’t realize what he might want, but the fact that all those other female products meant it wasn’t anything special anyway. He was already used to showering with whores and I was feeling a bit self-conscious.
“Come here,” he pulled me to him without waiting for me to move on my own. “What’s going on up here?” He asked as he gently tapped my head.
“A lot to wrap my head around in the past twenty-four hours.”
Breakneck must have caught on to the fact that I hadn’t made eye contact with him once because he tipped my chin up and pushed the wet strands of hair away from my face before dipping down to kiss me. “If you don’t tell me what’s bothering you, I can’t fix it.”
“You can’t fix the past. We can only move forward.”
“Let’s start doing that then,” he suggested as he took my hands and placed them on his chest. “Wash me.”
“You want me to wash your body?”
“Yeah,” he replied with a sexy grin. So, I took the same Old Spice bottle I’d just used and put some in the palm of my hand and started spreading it around his shoulders, chest, arms, and eventually it became less about getting the little suds all over his body and more about exploring ever dip and contour his muscles made.
His groans of approval spurred me on and before I realized what I was doing, I was on my knees, face level with his dick, while spreading more body wash all over his lower half. I ignored his dick until I finished with his toes, and then I spun him around so I could get the backside.
“Think you forgot an important part,” he teased.
“Nope. Saving the best for last.” It was easier to be playful with him like that when he wasn’t staring at me because I didn’t feel like I was under a microscope.
Once I had his back all scrubbed up and managed to slap his ass and make him jump in surprise, he finally turned back around, but instead of guiding me back to my knees, he pulled me close and kissed me. “You are so fucking beautiful, sweetness.”
When he looked at me like that, I believed him. His mouth took charged and kissed me until my legs turned to noodles, then he spun me around and plastered the front of my body to the wall. My face was angled away from the water as he jacked my right leg up and then bent down enough so that he could slide himself inside me.
Everything down there still hurt, and Breakneck pushing his cock in the way he did, didn’t make it feel any better. I winced but it went unnoticed as Breakneck was too busy watching where he entered me. I wanted to yell at him, tell him that it didn’t feel good, or something. The problem was, If I did that, he wouldn’t touch me again. He’d go grab two of his whores and forget about me.
Yep, it was pathetic that I was trading painful sex for what I had with him on date nights. That was what it boiled down to for me. I wanted the man who planned those awesome dates even though we were stuck on lock down in his clubhouse. I wanted the man who held me when I cried about my family and the fact that a perverted serial killer almost made me his victim too. I wanted the man who at least pretended to give a shit.
Unfortunately, he came attached to the man who seemed to be clueless about what my body was telling him. I hadn’t been ready for sex – again. Not that I wasn’t mentally ready, but there was no prep work, or in last night’s case, not enough after the initial pain of him breaking through my barrier.
I winced again as he slammed into me a little harder and nearly lost his footing. His chest rumbled with laughter. “Damn, forgot how slippery it gets in here,” he muttered and that felt even worse. It meant that he was thinking about doing something like this with other women, and how they’d slipped around as well. He must have seen my face then because he stopped and held on to me tightly, as if I’d disappear if he didn’t.
“Nova?” I grunted a response that wasn’t really intelligible. Breakneck pulled out of me then but didn’t let go of my arms. “How about we move things to the bedroom, so no one gets hurt?” His voice was gentle, almost like someone talking to an injured animal that they were trying to help.
“Come on, Sweetness,” he coaxed after he got out of the shower, turned the water off, and held a towel out for me. “Did I hurt you?” He finally asked, as if it was only now occurring to him.
“I’m still sore from last night. It felt like someone took sandpaper to my…” I realized I was speaking out loud and to whom and stopped talking mid-sentence.
“What in the hell? You were plenty wet last night.” He was arguing, but not in a mean way, just in that way that showed he didn’t understand at all.
“It hurt, when you…” I sighed. “Anyway, it made everything dry up, I think. The pain. So, it still doesn’t feel great.” Yep, I was a blundering idiot when trying to articulate what was going on in my downstairs region.
“Shit. Why didn’t you say something?”
“You really didn’t give me a chance,” I muttered as I used the towel to dry off as quickly as possible. If I could hide somewhere and not have this conversation, that would be great. Unfortunately for me, that didn’t seem likely to happen.
“Come here.” Breakneck once again didn’t wait for me to oblige him, and instead he picked me up and took me to his bed where the stains from last night were still staring at us from his dirty sheets.